10-29-2014 10:11:08 AM CST
Come Coffin Hop with JoAnne Myers 2014

Hello all you ghouls and goons, welcome to my website. I am the proud author of 7 published books by 3 publishing houses. All this week from October 24-31, the Coffin Hop blog hop will be filled with talented authors like me and awarding dozens of prizes. Coffin Hop website is http://www.coffinhop.com/ What is a "Coffin Hop"? you ask, COFFIN HOP is the annual Horror Author event, geared towards gaining exposure for indie horror and genre authors, and increasing interaction with fans and readers. There are over 60 authors and artists participating in this hop with prizes awarded at each stop of the hop. Please do try and attend.
I will be awarding one lucky winner each day of the hop who comments, a paperback of their choice. The choices are; Murder Most Foul-a detective/mystery, Loves, Myths, and Monsters-a fantasy anthology, Wicked Intentions-a paranormal anthology, Twisted Love-a biography true crime anthology, The Crime of the Century-a biography true crime, Flagitious-a crime/mystery anthology, and Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between. The sky is the limit for this years prizes and attending authors. Please do comment and hop around my website before hopping off. Thank you and have a scary good hop.
Coffin Hop link:
Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list...
Click here to enter Rafflecopter: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/6832075a2/
Click here to find us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoffinHop
Poems from my poetry collection, "Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between" published by Outskirts Press http://outskirtspress.com/bookstore/1478734760.html.

I was afraid to grow up.
Afraid of life.
I worried myself to death.
It was hard to breathe.
Like a fish out of water.
Like having asthma.
High school was hell-crazy wild.
My only plan.
Just get up and go.
Cant be like mom.
She always had a plan.
Living her life without any man.
Cant think that far.
Felt out of place.
Like dust floating in space.
Scared out of my mind.
Of what I might or might not find.
Cant hack relationships.
More drama.
Why waste the time.
Still confused, but still craving knowledge.
I need to do what I want-for myself.
Even if its just me who cares.
Even if no ones there.
It was a long hard road.
To get my act together.
All bad choices, solely I sowed.
Working for nickels and dimes.
Like a newborn.
Taking one step at a time.
A new wife and mother.
Scared of life.
Scared to grow up.
Worry myself sick.
Never thought of a plan.
Didn't want to be like the others.
Living my life according to my mother.
My life seemed over, before it began.
Cant think or feel.
Cant plan ahead.
Like a foolish child wanting to be a woman.
Some days to hard, just cant deal.
To confused to understand.
That growing up comes with demands.
Married badly, blamed myself.
Got out fast, and never looked back.
I covered myself in chaos.
All out of faith, money, and time.
Need to step back and take deep breaths,
and take one step at a time.
I cornered myself in chaos,
in false love, self loathing and lies.
Writing my future off as a loss.
Nothing left but sorrow, despair and good-byes.
Feeling helpless, lost and alone,
I felt I could accomplish nothing on my own.
I retreated to a place called the dark.
To contemplate my choices,
before my life’s journey embarked.
My only failures were the ones I created.
My bad choices were thorns all around.
It took years to find happiness and evolve.
My will to succeed is my solid ground.
10-29-2014 10:04:12 AM CST
5th Annual Spooktacular Giveaway Hop
October 15th to 31st
Hello and welcome to my blog. I am the proud author of seven published books by three publishing houses. I write fantasy, paranormal, mystery, true crime and poetry. Also, more good news. I am also featured in the annual Coffin Hop blog tour, which starts tomorrow. Please try to attend, for more chances to win a free book. And since Halloween is all about blood and gore, (in my opinion that is) I will now post about my biography true crime, "The Crime of the Century" I will also be awarding daily prizes for those who comment. The prizes are paperback books of my stories. The choices are: Murder Most Foul-a detective/mystery, Wicked Intentions-a paranormal anthology, Loves, Myths, and Monsters-a fantasy anthology, Twisted Love:12 cases of love gone bad, The Crime of the Century-a shocking true story, and Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between. I love comments and hearing from readers. Dont forget to list your email along with your comment. Thank you and have a great hop.

Blurb for “THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY” a shocking true story
The residents of Rolling Hills, an economically ruined bedroom community of the Appalachian region of southeastern Ohio, were horrified when the dismembered bodies of missing teenage sweethearts, Shane Shoemaker and Babette Lloyd, were pulled from the murky and meandering local river. Multiply suspects surfaced, including relatives, ex-lovers, Satanists, and the Devil's Disciple’s motorcycle gang, but only one was railroaded, Babette’s stepfather, Richard Allan Lloyd, a known nudist and hothead. The rumors of his and Babette’s incestuous relationship only electrified the townsfolk and local authorities’ hatred against him.
What really happened on that cool autumn evening of 1982? What began as an evening stroll turned into what found only in horror films, and dubbed ‘the crime of the century’. 18 year old Babette, a voluptuous beauty contestant, horsewoman, and aspiring computer programmer, and her 19 year old boyfriend Shane Shoemaker, a jealous and possessive unemployed printer, were last seen walking toward the C&O Railroad tracks, crossing a trestle bridge that overlooked the river, near an infamous 52-acrea cornfield. Twelve days later, a search party found their mutilated torsos. After another two days their heads and limbs were unearthed, suggesting satanic cult activity.
Richard Lloyd was the main suspect from the beginning. It took nearly a year, but in an investigation smeared with contradicting statements, and a botched crime scene, investigators built a flimsy case against him. A financially motivated local mistakenly fingered Richard, accusing him of forcing the teens into a car at gun point. The police alleged Richard then killed the victims at his mobile home seven miles from Rolling Hills, with his wife and other step-daughter as witnesses. They accused him of dismembering the victims before transporting them to the Rolling Hills cornfield for burial. The state insisted a ancestral relationship between Richard and Babette existed, and the reason for the jealousy killings, and Richard’s immense hatred for Shane Shoemaker. Richard’s multiply lies, his lust and jealousy for Babette, weapons availability, the hypnotized “eyewitness” and a disputed footprint expert bolstered the states misguided case against the now dubbed “evil stepfather.” Most of what was presented at the three-week trial was based on police corruption and ineptitude, melodramatic fiction, and forensic mishandling.
As a resident of Rolling Hills, Ohio, I, JoAnne Myers contrived “The Crime of the Century,” through case documents, newspaper clippings, signed affidavits, witness testimony, interviews, police reports, theories and rumors.
This heinous crime not only shattered the sense of security for Rolling Hills, but destroyed two families, marriages, careers, friendships, and forever scarred the town. This story is a detailed account of finding justice for Babette and Shane, of human injustice at the highest level, of one man’s perseverance to prove his innocence to gain his freedom from death row, and righting a wrong.
What took place within a few hours became legendary for the close nit community.
At 5:45 pm., Chief White used his walkie-talkie, to radio Lt. Phillipes, who stayed at the command post with Richard and Nancy. Only a few short words were needed.
“We found something, but we don’t know what it is,” said the chief.
What searchers found . . . was unthinkable.
Just 150 yards north of the railroad trestle spanning the Bottle Neck River, Sheriff Reynolds and one of his deputies reported “something entangled in debris,” near their small boat.
The officers initially said they believed the object was an animal carcass. Once it was dislodged and floated down stream, they realized it was human.
The officers then followed the remains and discovered 30 yards south of the first torso, the second torso was located. Both torsos were reportedly snagged against brush along the riverbank just west of The Regency Supply Company.
Both torsos were reportedly nude and so badly decomposed, officers said they were unable to determine their sex.
Upon the discovery, Jack Jones broke down and was seen “running and screaming” from the area. The remains were pulled to shore and coroner Rausch was summoned to the riverbank.
Law enforcement personnel cleared the immediate area of non-official personnel. Afterward, they stationed themselves around the perimeter of the area while the bodies were examined.
Many searchers, upon leaving the crime scene, were overheard by reporters asking one another “Are the authorities looking for one killer or two?”
After his initial examination of the bodies, the coroner said he was unable to rule on the cause of death or what sex the torsos were. What he did say, was that if one man committed both murders, it was “during a great rage” and by someone with something “very personal” against one, or both, of the victims.
Author Bio:
I have been a long-time resident of southeastern Ohio, and worked in the blue-collar industry most of my life. Besides having several novels under my belt, I canvas paint.
When not busy with hobbies or working outside the home, I spend time with relatives, my dog Jasmine, and volunteer my time within the community. I am a member of the International Women’s Writing Guild, Savvy Authors, Coffee Time Romance, Paranormal Romance Guild, True Romance Studios, National Writers Association, the Hocking Hill's Arts and Craftsmen Association, The Hocking County Historical Society and Museum, and the Hocking Hills Regional Welcome Center. I believe in family values and following your dreams. My original canvas paintings, can be found at: booksandpaintingsbyjoanne.com
My available books are:
"WICKED INTENTIONS" a paranormal/mystery anthology
"LOVES', MYTHS' AND MONSTERS'," a fantasy anthology
“MURDER MOST FOUL” a detective/mystery
"TWISTED LOVE," a true-crime anthology
“FLAGITIOUS,” a detective/crime anthology
Contact Jo Anne: joannemyers@frontier.com
Buy Links:
10-28-2014 5:12:12 PM CST
5th Annual Spooktacular Giveaway Hop
October 15th to 31st
Hello and welcome to my blog. I am the proud author of seven published books by three publishing houses. I write fantasy, paranormal, mystery, true crime and poetry. Also, more good news. I am also featured in the annual Coffin Hop blog tour, which starts tomorrow. Please try to attend, for more chances to win a free book. And since Halloween is all about blood and gore, (in my opinion that is) I will now post blurbs from my fantasy anthology, "Loves, Myths, and Monsters." I will also be awarding daily prizes for those who comment. The prizes are paperback books of my stories. The choices are: Murder Most Foul-a detective/mystery, Wicked Intentions-a paranormal anthology, Loves, Myths, and Monsters-a fantasy anthology, Twisted Love:12 cases of love gone bad, The Crime of the Century-a shocking true story, and Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between. I love comments and hearing from readers. Dont forget to list your email along with your comment. Thank you and have a great hop. 
Hop Link for other authors and prizes: http://www.linkytools.com/basic_linky_include.aspx?id=241072
When it comes to fiction writing, almost anything goes. That is why I love writing fantasy stories. The author can go completely over the edge and make something unbelievable seem believable. My love for monster stories came from my childhood, from watching Count Dracula and Wolfman movies. Legendary monsters and myths inspired most of the stories from my anthology, Loves, Myths, and Monsters. I used my love for monster movies to contrive a collection of unusual tales of mystery, danger, twists and turns.
Loves, Myths and Monsters-11 fantasy tales entwined with the human world
Welcome to Anna came from my love of the Twilight Trilogy. Instead of the leading lady pursued by a vampire and a werewolf as in Twilight, a Chupracabra pursues the leading lady in Welcome to Anna, a large hideous creature that transforms between being a coyote and a beast that kills at will. What happens next is a series of chilling mysteries, and unsuspecting friendships and love.
The Hunter's Bride-This story derived from searching the Internet on various legends and myths from different countries.
Moon People came from my imagination of how I believe Mermaids came to exist. Since they are part human, I imaged superior beings living on the Moon, and one fell off, landing in the Earth’s ocean, and swallowed by a passing fish.
The Pack-This story depicts my version of how werewolves evolved.
The Bidding I got from watching an episode of The Twilight Zone as a child. It takes place in Circleville, an actual town in Ohio, close to my home.
The Agreement-Roseville, an actual small town in Ohio, is where this story takes place. I thought it would be interesting to find out what happens to an arrogant city slicker when he meets a no-nonsense country sheriff.
For The Love of Ginnie-My love of American history and the Civil War, conjured up this time travel tale of adventure, leading to a roller coaster ride of joy and perils for hero and scientist Alex Anderson, to rescue his beloved Ginnie from a sniper’s bullet.
Is It Only A Myth? - With the legends, myths, movies made of it, and reported sightings of this elusive but deadly creature half man/bat/rat, I had to write about the Mothman.
The Proposition-I wrote this tale of love conquers all, because I love cowboys, and strong-minded women.
The House on Shady Lane-historical facts of a family from 1873 believed to be the country’s first serial killer family inspired this grisly tale. Even the famous Pickerington Detective Agency was hot on their trail.
Love's Curse takes place in a real town famous for local resident John Holmes, the King of Porn, and of the local college’s actual mascot.
So, the next time you get Writer’s Block, or need a new idea, try switching on the television, open a newspaper, delve into history or simply look and listen. You will find something to stimulate your muse.
Author Bio:
I have been a long-time resident of southeastern Ohio, and worked in the blue-collar industry most of my life. Besides having several novels under my belt, I canvas paint.
When not busy with hobbies or working outside the home, I spend time with relatives, my dog Jasmine, and volunteer my time within the community. I am a member of the International Women’s Writing Guild, Savvy Authors, Coffee Time Romance, Paranormal Romance Guild, True Romance Studios, National Writers Association, the Hocking Hill's Arts and Craftsmen Association, The Hocking County Historical Society and Museum, and the Hocking Hills Regional Welcome Center. I believe in family values and following your dreams. My original canvas paintings, can be found at: booksandpaintingsbyjoanne.com
Buy Links:
LULU in print
Other books by JoAnne:
Murder Most Foul-a detective/mystery
Wicked Intentions-7 bone chilling paranormal tales
The Crime of the Century-a biography true crime
Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between
Twisted Love-a biography true crime anthology
Flagitious-a detective/mystery anthology
Contact JoAnne:
Email: authorjoannemyers@yahoo.com
10-28-2014 8:49:21 AM CST
Come Coffin Hop with JoAnne Myers 2014

Hello all you ghouls and goons, welcome to my website. I am the proud author of 7 published books by 3 publishing houses. All this week from October 24-31, the Coffin Hop blog hop will be filled with talented authors like me and awarding dozens of prizes. Coffin Hop website is http://www.coffinhop.com/ What is a "Coffin Hop"? you ask, COFFIN HOP is the annual Horror Author event, geared towards gaining exposure for indie horror and genre authors, and increasing interaction with fans and readers. There are over 60 authors and artists participating in this hop with prizes awarded at each stop of the hop. Please do try and attend.
I will be awarding one lucky winner each day of the hop who comments, a paperback of their choice. The choices are; Murder Most Foul-a detective/mystery, Loves, Myths, and Monsters-a fantasy anthology, Wicked Intentions-a paranormal anthology, Twisted Love-a biography true crime anthology, The Crime of the Century-a biography true crime, Flagitious-a crime/mystery anthology, and Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between. The sky is the limit for this years prizes and attending authors. Please do comment and hop around my website before hopping off. Thank you and have a scary good hop.
Coffin Hop link:
Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list...
Click here to enter Rafflecopter: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/6832075a2/
Click here to find us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoffinHop
"3381 Market Street" one story in "Flagitious"
Blurb: Katherine Sims, a young widow working for a brokerage firm in a small southeastern town, is tired of the excuses concerning Charlie’s absence. She knows something terrible must have happened to her favorite nephew with the sad blue-eyes. After exposing the killer, Katherine’s life is turned upside down and she finds herself fighting for her life. Filled with maniacal suspects, a Satanic Cult, and danger around each corner, this story depicts one woman’s courage too avenge a child’s murder, while finding unexpected love.
Hearing the verdict, prisoner Jessie Ellis went berserk. Whipping out a pistol previously concealed under the defense table by a friend.
The small sand-haired man with dark eyes, jumped to his feet. Firing two warning shots into the ceiling of the century-old building, with his free hand, Ellis seized his defense attorney, Yolanda Stamen, for a human shield.
"AHHHHH!" a woman screamed from the gallery, and fainted.
"Get back! I ain't goin' to no prison," the thirty-eight-year-old father of eight shouted, pressing his weapon tightly to his attorney's head. "I'll kill her . . . right here and now . . . I mean it."
Immediately, the courtroom went wild. Jurors and spectators alike ran from the gun-wielding, just-convicted baby killer.
Ignoring her pleas, Jessie shoved his hostage ahead of him down the hallway. In the lobby, again surrounded by officers, Jessie shouted, "You bastards! I'm not kiddin'." He waved his gun at the mob. "I'll blow this bitch away. I want that cop car and I want it now."
Shaking his head, the tall slender green-eyed prosecutor said, "Jessie, you'll never get away with it. You have no escape. Don't make them kill you. Hand over your gun." Despite Greg Langdon's brave words, his shaking outstretched hand revealed his inner fears.
Ignoring every warning and still clutching his attorney, Jessie slid his way through to the front door. Once outside, he found more lawmen waiting, guns fixed.
Buy your copy of “Flagitious” now while supplies last
Amazon Kindle:
Website: http://www.booksandpaintingsbyjoanne.com

10-23-2014 5:06:05 PM CST
Come Coffin Hop with JoAnne Myers 2014

Hello all you ghouls and goons, welcome to my website. I am the proud author of 7 published books by 3 publishing houses. All this week from October 24-31, the Coffin Hop blog hop will be filled with talented authors like me and awarding dozens of prizes. Coffin Hop website is http://www.coffinhop.com/ What is a "Coffin Hop"? you ask, COFFIN HOP is the annual Horror Author event, geared towards gaining exposure for indie horror and genre authors, and increasing interaction with fans and readers. There are over 60 authors and artists participating in this hop with prizes awarded at each stop of the hop. Please do try and attend.
I will be awarding one lucky winner each day of the hop who comments, a paperback of their choice. The choices are; Murder Most Foul-a detective/mystery, Loves, Myths, and Monsters-a fantasy anthology, Wicked Intentions-a paranormal anthology, Twisted Love-a biography true crime anthology, The Crime of the Century-a biography true crime, Flagitious-a crime/mystery anthology, and Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between. The sky is the limit for this years prizes and attending authors. Please do comment and hop around my website before hopping off. Thank you and have a scary good hop.
Coffin Hop link:
Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list...
Post 4

Blurb for “The Crime of the Century” a shocking true story
The residents of Rolling Hills, a hamlet in southeastern Ohio, were horrified when the dismembered bodies of two missing teens were pulled from the local river. Multiply suspects surfaced, but only one was railroaded, Richard Allan Lloyd, a known nudist and hothead.
What began as an evening stroll turned into what found only in horror films, and dubbed ‘the crime of the century’. 18 year old Babette, a voluptuous beauty contestant and horsewoman, and her 19 year old boyfriend Shane Shoemaker, a jealous and possessive unemployed printer, were last seen crossing a trestle bridge. Within fourteen days, their mutilated torsos and severed heads and limbs were unearthed, suggesting satanic cult activity.
With an investigation smeared with contradicting statements, and a botched crime scene, investigators built a flimsy case against Richard Lloyd. The three-week trial was based on police corruption and ineptitude, fairytale theories, and forensic mishandling.
This heinous crime shattered the sense of security for Rolling Hills, destroyed two families, and forever scarred the town. This story is a detailed account of finding justice for Babette and Shane, and of one man’s perseverance to gain his freedom from death row.
EXCERPT: The Arrest
On September 29, 1983, months of investigative work, combined with the public’s doubts, fears, and beliefs that Richard Lloyd was a killer, paid off. What most in the county hoped for, finally came true.
Jethro said Richard was unaware of the conversations between him and the authorities. Through conversations, he believed Richard would “pin” the murders on him, to escape arrest. He wanted the killer caught and “put out” of society, even if that person were a loved one. Still he was not totally convinced of Richard’s guilt, but that “gut feeling,” was still there.
Police said what came next as no surprise. It happened on a cool autumn afternoon, as citizens busied themselves with the upcoming fall and winter festivities. While leaf-covered streets overflowed with gleeful residents and out-of-towners, two silent cruisers, lights out, descended upon the Lloyd farm.
The Newsome County Grand Jury, after two days of testimony, and 56 witnesses, handed down an indictment against Richard Allen Lloyd. The stepfather was now a murder suspect, for two counts of aggravated murder with mitigating circumstances.
What the grand jury heard was all the evidence that pointed to Richard Lloyd being the killer. They did not hear the information that conflicted with the investigators theory of accounts. According to some witnesses, the state went to great lengths to ensure only the evidence against the accused was heard.
Detective Eli, with the eager assistance of Sheriff Reynolds, finally arrested Richard for the murder of the teenagers. However, that would prove not to be the end of the story . . . only the beginning.
Other books by JoAnne:
"TWISTED LOVE," a true-crime anthology
"WICKED INTENTIONS" a paranormal/mystery anthology
"LOVES', MYTHS' AND MONSTERS'," a fantasy anthology
“MURDER MOST FOUL” a detective/mystery
“FLAGITIOUS,” a crime/mystery anthology
Order your copy of “The Crime of the Century” by JoAnne Myers here http://www.blackrosewriting.com/non-fiction/the-crime-of-the-century-a-shocking-true-story
Contact: Email: authorjoannemyers@yahoo.com
Post 3

When it comes to fiction writing, almost anything goes. That is why I love writing fantasy stories. The author can go completely over the edge and make something unbelievable seem believable. My love for monster stories came from my childhood, from watching Count Dracula and Wolfman movies. Legendary monsters and myths inspired most of the stories from my anthology, Loves, Myths, and Monsters. I used my love for monster movies to contrive a collection of unusual tales of mystery, danger, twists and turns.
Loves, Myths and Monsters-11 fantasy tales entwined with the human world
Welcome to Anna came from my love of the Twilight Trilogy. Instead of the leading lady pursued by a vampire and a werewolf as in Twilight, a Chupracabra pursues the leading lady in Welcome to Anna, a large hideous creature that transforms between being a coyote and a beast that kills at will. What happens next is a series of chilling mysteries, and unsuspecting friendships and love.
The Hunter's Bride-This story derived from searching the Internet on various legends and myths from different countries.
Moon People came from my imagination of how I believe Mermaids came to exist. Since they are part human, I imaged superior beings living on the Moon, and one fell off, landing in the Earth’s ocean, and swallowed by a passing fish.
The Pack-This story depicts my version of how werewolves evolved.
The Bidding I got from watching an episode of The Twilight Zone as a child. It takes place in Circleville, an actual town in Ohio, close to my home.
The Agreement-Roseville, an actual small town in Ohio, is where this story takes place. I thought it would be interesting to find out what happens to an arrogant city slicker when he meets a no-nonsense country sheriff.
For The Love of Ginnie-My love of American history and the Civil War, conjured up this time travel tale of adventure, leading to a roller coaster ride of joy and perils for hero and scientist Alex Anderson, to rescue his beloved Ginnie from a sniper’s bullet.
Is It Only A Myth? - With the legends, myths, movies made of it, and reported sightings of this elusive but deadly creature half man/bat/rat, I had to write about the Mothman.
The Proposition-I wrote this tale of love conquers all, because I love cowboys, and strong-minded women.
The House on Shady Lane-historical facts of a family from 1873 believed to be the country’s first serial killer family inspired this grisly tale. Even the famous Pickerington Detective Agency was hot on their trail.
Love's Curse takes place in a real town famous for local resident John Holmes, the King of Porn, and of the local college’s actual mascot.
So, the next time you get Writer’s Block, or need a new idea, try switching on the television, open a newspaper, delve into history or simply look and listen. You will find something to stimulate your muse.
Buy Links:
LULU in print
Other books by JoAnne:
Murder Most Foul-a detective/mystery
Wicked Intentions-7 bone chilling paranormal tales
The Crime of the Century-a biography true crime
Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between
Twisted Love-a biography true crime anthology
Flagitious-a detective/mystery anthology
Contact JoAnne:
Email: authorjoannemyers@yahoo.com
Post 2

Blurbs for “Flagitious” a four crime/mystery anthology
“Too Solve His Mother’s Murder”
After his Air Force career was interrupted by his mother’s untimely murder, Steven Moore, returned home. Met with a cold reception of lies, secrets, and threats, he is determined too find Wanda’s killer, even at the cost of his own life. Was Wanda a victim of the legendary Hatchet Man? Was this loving and devoted mother killed because of her shady past, or for her inheritance? Between finding the truth and falling in love, Steven stops at nothing, too solve his mother’s murder.
“The Other Couple’s Child”
Charlotte had it all. A loving and devoted husband. Supportive family and friends, and a house full of beautiful children. Everything was perfect for this Super Mom, until a medical procedure turns her life upside down, and spirals into a child abduction case. Time is running out. Will police arrive in time to save Charlotte and the other couple’s child?
“3381 Market Street”
Katherine Sims, a young widow working for a brokerage firm in a small southeastern town, is tired of the excuses concerning Charlie’s absence. She knows something terrible must have happened to her favorite nephew with the sad blue-eyes. After exposing the killer, Katherine’s life is turned upside down and she finds herself fighting for her life. Filled with maniacal suspects, a Satanic Cult, and danger around each corner, this story depicts one woman’s courage too avenge a child’s murder, while finding unexpected love.
“The Tarot Card Murders”
New Detective, and ex-navel man, twenty-six-year-old Nick Difozzio, returns to his small county determined too abolish crime. Not until death knocked on his door, did he know the face of evil. Will the decorated veteran destroy the Lycanthropes, or will he succumb to their murderess desires and become one of them? He took an oath too protect, honor, and uphold the law, but can he defy the lust, riches, and power offered, or are the ‘dark forces’ stronger than his will?
Excerpt from “The Tarot Card Murders”
The Scene: Detective Nick Difozzio has been called to another bizarre murder scene, located in the abandoned industrial section of town.
An abrupt silence you could cut with a knife filled the room. “Shape-shifters?” said one from the group. “You mean like a Yeti turns into a deer to avoid those who track it. Or the Lock Ness monster turns into a log.”
After Ted and the others poked fun at his fantastic idea, Nick laid it out, “Not exactly. But certain creatures are believed to have shape-shifting powers of one sort or another, and what other possibility is there to explain these bizarre murders?”
“Well, we could have a psychopath lurkin’ around. Or a nutty drifter or escaped convict,” Ted said. “But it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to understand that, if shape-shifters do exit, they would be very elusive creatures, nearly impossible to detect and capture. What does take a lot of imagination, is believing in shape-shifters.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’ll see ya tomorrow,” Nick said. Once outside, he noticed the full moon, and wondered, who will die tonight? On reaching his vehicle, he discovered a surprise in his passenger seat.
“Denise, what’s going on?” he asked via the driver’s window.
With teeth white as snow, she said, “Well, sugar, I was thinkin’ about the last time you were at my house. You remember, when you cabbaged my safe contents so foolishly?”
With a chuckle, he nodded. “Honey, the only foolish thing I did that night was fail to realize the money in the safe was counterfeit. But I bet it’s all gone now.”
“And I bet you’re right,” she smiled. Just then, Denise’ partner in crime, twenty-two-year-old Wendy Goss zapped the lawman with a stun gun from behind, dropping him like a hot potato.
Jumping from the vehicle, Denise removed Nick’s gun and cell phone, placing them under the seat. Afterward, both women placed him in the backseat. Getting behind the steering wheel of Nick’s car, Denise drove his Mustang, while Wendy followed in her Firebird.
Halfway to the destination spot, Nick regained consciousness. With his gun gone, he played dead, hoping to find the gang’s hangout. Soon both vehicles stopped. Denise exited the Ford then helped Wendy search the Firebird’s trunk, for items needed for Nick’s demise.
“Someone better keep an eye on the cop,” Wendy said.
“Don’t worry, that pig’s out cold,” Denise said, finding rope. Peering out the back window, Nick realized he was on an abandoned farm. Searching for landmarks, he memorized a foreclosure sign reading Stonewall Realty.
Uncertain if the girls were armed, Nick made the decision to strike now or never. Disabling his car’s dome light, he cautiously retreated from the backseat. As quiet as a mouse, he snuck up on the chattering women foraging for items to gag and bind him.
As soon as the murdering beauties were finished gathering their supplies, Denise slammed the trunk shut. Immediately Nick punched her between her baby blues, knocking her to the ground before turning on Wendy.
Struggling with the yellow-haired lady, who, like her partner, was trained in Judo, Nick swapped blows with the tall slender gal and encountered a high degree of skill. Then, recovering, Denise attacked him from behind with a blow to his ribs, bringing him to his knees. Both women struck like tigers from all sides.
Doing his best to avoid their most deadly kicks, Nick used every device not nailed down as a weapon against the feisty felines. First, his leather belt with the sterling silver buckle, then, a stray piece of firewood left behind by the homeowners. Across the parking area, the trio fought. Nick matched his street skills against the trained martial artists as each one fought for their own reasons.
The gallant cop battled for his life and self-respect, while the women fought for control over the detective representing the authority they loathed. Or perhaps, Denise and Wendy’s desire for domination extended to include the entire county, not just the town, thought Nick. Whatever the reason, they’re formidable.
Bruised and bleeding, the women fought until Nick broke Wendy’s arm. Seizing the opportunity to get away, she escaped in her vehicle leaving her comrade helpless and easily overpowered.
“Get off me, you bastard!” Denise screamed as Nick slammed her to the ground, cuffing her.
“You’re under arrest.” Wiping the blood from his lip, he threw her into his vehicle then drove to the local hospital. On the way there, Nick phoned headquarters, “I got one of the blood members. We’re on our way to the ER.”
JoAnne believes in family values and following your dreams. Her original canvas paintings, can be found at: http://www.booksandpaintingsbyjoanne.com
Other books by JoAnne:
"WICKED INTENTIONS" a paranormal/mystery anthology
"LOVES', MYTHS' AND MONSTERS'," a fantasy anthology
"THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY," a biography true-crime
"TWISTED LOVE," a true-crime anthology
“MURDER MOST FOUL,” a detective/mystery
Contact JoAnne:
Email: authorjoannemyers@yahoo.com
Buy links:
Amazon Kindle:
Post 1
Blurb for The Crime of the Century-a shocking true story
The residents of Rolling Hills, a hamlet in southeastern Ohio, were horrified when the dismembered bodies of two missing teens were pulled from the local river. Multiply suspects surfaced, but only one was railroaded, Richard Allan Lloyd, a known nudist and hothead.
What began as an evening stroll turned into what found only in horror films, and dubbed ‘the crime of the century’. 18-year-old Babette, a voluptuous beauty contestant and equestrian, and her 19-year-old boyfriend Shane Shoemaker, a jealous and possessive unemployed printer, were last seen crossing a trestle bridge. Within fourteen days, their mutilated torsos and severed heads and limbs were unearthed, suggesting satanic cult activity.
With an investigation smeared with contradicting statements, and a botched crime scene, investigators built a flimsy case against Richard Lloyd. The three-week trial was based on police corruption and ineptitude, fairytale theories, and forensic mishandling.
This heinous crime shattered the sense of security for Rolling Hills, destroyed two families, and forever scarred the town. This story is a detailed account of finding justice for Babette and Shane, and of one man’s perseverance to gain his freedom from death row.
At 5:45 pm., Chief White used his walkie-talkie, to radio Lt.
Phillipes, who stayed at the command post with Richard and Nancy. Only a few short words were needed.
“We found something, but we don’t know what it is,” said the chief. What searchers found . . . was unthinkable.
Just 150 yards north of the railroad trestle spanning Bottle Neck River, Sheriff Reynolds and one of his deputies reported “something entangled in debris,” near their small boat.
The officers initially said they believed the object was an animal carcass. Once it was dislodged and floated down stream, they realized it was human.
The officers then followed the remains and discovered 30 yards south of the first torso, the second torso was located. Both torsos were reportedly snagged against brush along the riverbank just west of The Regency Supply Company. Both torsos were reportedly nude and so badly decomposed, officers said they were unable to determine their sex.
Upon the discovery, Jack Jones broke down and was seen “running and screaming” from the area. The remains were pulled to shore and coroner Rausch was summoned to the riverbank.
Law enforcement personnel cleared the immediate area of non-official personnel. Afterward, they stationed themselves around the perimeter of the area while the bodies were examined.
Many searchers, upon leaving the crime scene, were overheard by reporters asking one another “Are the authorities looking for one killer or two?”
After his initial examination of the bodies, the coroner said he was unable to rule on the cause of death or what sex the torsos were. What he did say, was that if one man committed both murders, it was “during a great rage” and by someone with something “very personal” against one, or both, of the victims.
Sheriff Reynolds reported an empty purse found, but did not know if it belonged to Babette. He told reporters, he did not believe the bodies were the missing Rolling Hills teens. Richard Lloyd told reporters that, when he and Nancy heard the bodies might not be that of Babette and Shane, they were relieved, and said, “That comment gave me and Nancy a speck of hope.”
The discovery of the bodies shocked and silenced the group of volunteers. Most returned to the Kroger parking lot after the first torso was found. Some remained silent, while others were seen conversing in hushed tones, telling reporters they “expected the search to turn up nothing.”
Sheriff Reynolds was placed in primary charge since all evidence at that time, pointed to the murders being committed outside of Rolling Hills’s corporation limit, which is the point of origin that the sheriff’s office jurisdiction begins.
When officers carried a body bag from the river, Lt. Phillipes approached “the quiet couple.” He claimed Richard calmly asked, “Is it them?”
At first Phillipes said, he did not know how to answer, but admitted it was two individuals. He told them the remains might belong to a young Columbus area pair, Chris and Peggy Lerch, reported missing around the same time as Babette and Shane.
Phillipes said Richard then asked if he could view the bodies, saying “me and Nancy need to know if it’s our daughter.”
Phillipes said he told the couple, “not right now.” He claimed Richard then asked, “Are they all chopped up?”
Order your copy of “The Crime of the Century” by JoAnne Myers here http://www.blackrosewriting.com/non-fiction/the-crime-of-the-century-a-shocking-true-story
10-14-2014 4:45:48 PM CST
5th Annual Spooktacular Giveaway Hop
October 15th to 31st
Hello and welcome to my blog. I am the proud author of seven published books by three publishing houses. I write fantasy, paranormal, mystery, true crime and poetry. Also, more good news. I am also featured in the annual Coffin Hop blog tour, which starts tomorrow. Please try to attend, for more chances to win a free book. And since Halloween is all about blood and gore, (in my opinion that is) I will now post more of "Twisted Love" 12 cases of love gone bad. These stories from "Twisted Love" are actual cases from Ohio and surrounding states. I will also be awarding daily prizes for those who comment. The prizes are paperback books of my stories. The choices are: Murder Most Foul-a detective/mystery, Wicked Intentions-a paranormal anthology, Loves, Myths, and Monsters-a fantasy anthology, Twisted Love:12 cases of love gone bad, The Crime of the Century-a shocking true story, and Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between. I love comments and hearing from readers. Dont forget to list your email along with your comment. Thank you and have a great hop.
Hop Link for other authors and prizes: http://www.linkytools.com/basic_linky_include.aspx?id=241072

Post 9
Horrible Sin-When 42 year old Fortune Teller Sally Vu and her 21-year-old daughter Veronica are discovered murdered and physically desecrated, in 2001, evidence points to revenge and a spell gone wrong.
It would have been a nice day in California except for two things; the vicious and bizarre murders of two Asian women and the whereabouts of the killer.
According to veteran Detective Marcus Brown, when he and partner Jonas Nutter, entered the mansion-like home, they discovered what looked to be a robbery gone wrong.
Det. Nutter described each room inside the home as having been ransacked as if the killer or killers were searching for something. However, nothing at the time seemed to be missing.
The home contained expensive furnishings and electronics, as was money and jewelry lying around. The detectives' believed that if a robbery had occurred, the missing items must have much more value than material objects.
According to Det. Nutter, in one rear bedroom, officers discovered several cages containing snakes, and birds, of different species and sizes. The officers found it baffling that one family would have such a large number of birds and reptiles, but in police business, no two cases are alike.
Post 8
Blurb: A Senseless Killing-This 2010 case uncovers how a 40 year old likable barmaid was lured to her death after she rejects her young admirers sexual advances.
It was a grand Thanksgiving evening for all at The Lakeway Lounge on November 25, 2010. The country band kept everyone on the dance floor. The occasional smacking of pool balls was heard above the laughter, and the crowd's favorite barmaid, June McSween, was serving them. She had asked a co-worker to allow her to work the night shift, to earn a little extra cash. It was a choice she would not live to regret.
“Better times are coming,” said the bubbly blonde, who had only begun working for the small neighborhood pub four months earlier. According to patrons, June was looking forward to moving into her own apartment next to the pub in just a few days. Her forty-ninth birthday was only hours away.
Little did the joyful crowd realize, that that cool autumn evening would be the last time anyone saw June, except for her killer.
According to June’s timecard, she punched out at 3 am. Her last duties were washing glasses and ashtrays. Black Friday was on the horizon. Her birthday party would consist of her daughter and son, and a few close friends. Everything was planned-everything except what actually happened to the tall slender grandmother.
According to the bar owner, fifty-four-year-old Pablo Corteza, he returned to the bar at 8 a.m. the next morning and noticed June’s car with flattened tires in the parking lot, along with two other vehicles with flat tires.
The short, heavy Albanian immigrant said he called police, who did a quick search of the perimeter and canvassed the street, from inside their cruiser, but found nothing and soon left.
Shortly afterward, thirty-eight-year-old James Wager, a boat mechanic, noticed Pablo, and told him he had notified police because two boats at his business, located near the bar, were vandalized. According to the tall, slender man with sand-colored hair, as he walked around surveying the damaged boats, he discovered a woman’s shoe and underwear. He told Pablo, “This doesn’t look good.”
Post 7
Blurb: The End of Autumn-To keep from paying child support for his three children, Rodney Williams, plots with his parents to kidnap his estranged wife, 25-year old Autumn, in broad daylight. This 2011 crime shocked the small community of Logan, Ohio.
March 22, 2011, could have been just an ordinary Tuesday evening for the small industrial town of Logan, Ohio, population 7,152, if it were not for the glass-shattering screams of a female, emanating from the alley next to the Bancroft National Bank in downtown Logan.
The first witness was a twenty-one-year-old named Richard. He told police he was walking in the area of the bank when he saw a girl curled in a ball on the ground, with two grown men standing above her, Tasing her. When he got approximately one foot away from the woman and the men, a woman driver yelled to the men that someone was behind them. Richard was then pepper-sprayed by one of two male attackers when he tried to intervene. He raced off to an adjoining fitness center.
A woman named Rachel, who was outside the fitness center, called 911 to report that a man was pepper-sprayed while attempting to help a woman who had been attacked. According to Rachel, Richard was in severe pain when he ran up to her while holding his eyes and yelling for help.
Richard gave descriptions of the attackers as being two large dark-haired men, with the driver of the white Buick or Crown Victoria being an older female, with “bleached blonde,” hair.
Bob, an architect working in his upstairs office in the adjoining building next to the alley relayed that he had heard the commotion and told the persons to “ keep the noise down.”
At the same time, two female joggers witnessed a young woman being shoved into a white Crown Victoria. Reportedly, they were near the same bank as was Richard, when they heard a girl scream and heard a Taser go off. They proceeded to cross the alley, beside the bank, noting that as they neared the commotion, the woman being Tasered, seemed to be in a violent struggle with her attackers.
The joggers, too, described the young woman as screaming while two men stood over her with a Taser. The men were dressed in black and had ski masks covering their faces. The woman on the ground wore her hair in a ponytail, which they described as being a dirty-blond color. Then a woman’s voice from the driver’s seat yelled, “ ‘Get the hell in the car.’”
From there, the joggers witnessed the victim tossed into the back seat of the vehicle, which then frantically sped away. The woman driving the vehicle was “frenzied” and “the blinkers and turn signals” were being used erratically.
After talking with Richard, officers located the area of the attack. The victim was no where in sight, but what was found was one car in the bank parking lot, the back of a phone, a box of Tic-Tacs, a used container of Mace, a Mountain Dew bottle, a ball cap and a set of keys on the asphalt. Found in soft soil behind a hedge, said one officer, were what appeared to be foot and knee prints as “if someone lay in wait.” After checking with the bank, officers found it unlocked and entered. Inside the bank, all they found was an iPod lying on a counter.
Not until 11 o’clock that night did police identify the kidnapped victim as twenty-five-year-old Autumn Renee Williams. The green-eyed Culinary Arts student, who stood five-foot-four, was reported missing by her mother and stepfather, Candice and Mark Stevens, when she failed to return home around 9:30 that evening after her cleaning position at the Bancroft National Bank.
Shortly after arriving at the bank, seeing no sign of Autumn, the Stevens’ contacted the Logan Police Department. Two different officers then responded. From Mrs. Stevens, authorities learned that Autumn was a mother of three, and involved with a tumultuous pending divorce with her estranged husband of six-years, twenty-six-year-old Rodney Williams.
The center of the couple’s disagreements was custody of their three children, all under the age of five. According to Candace, Rodney did not want to pay child support for three kids.
Post 6
Blurb: The Possession-When 29-year-old Valerie Harris severs the penis of her sexually abusive father, it makes national news in 2007.
When a frantic 9-1-1 call came into the police station at 8:30 p.m. on July 7, 2009, a sobbing twenty-nine-year-old Valerie Harris told the dispatcher she wanted desperately to save the life of her bleeding father, Harry Ridge.
She gave the operator her apartment address. She would later tell authorities that she did not want to kill her sexually abusive father, but only to disable his weapon of abuse-his penis.
She informed the operator she was walking in the direction of the police station, and then hung up. She recalled walking to the nearby Hudson River, and tossing the penis into the ocean. She never arrived at the police station.
Instead, she called her big sister Carleen, and confessed to her of what she had just done to their Liberian-born father. Carleen recalled being in total shock at her baby sisters gruesome confession. She begged Valerie not to discard the appendage, saying, doctors had the medical technology to reattach such things.
Valerie, her hair adorned with cornrows cried into the telephone. “It was the evil in our father. Now the evil is gone. He can hurt no more!”
Carleen advised Valerie to come to her home, and called an ambulance when her sister arrived. After seeing Valerie, her face stained with tears and splattered with blood, with the scalpel in hand and in a “zombie-like state of mind,” the ambulance crew, decided to check her into the Richmond University Medical Center psychiatric ward.
Meanwhile, back at Valerie’s apartment, two responding beat cops arrived. What the officers found, they said, they never forgot, and neither did the two million five hundred thousand other citizens.
Initially, the officers thought the man lying in a pool of blood had been shot or stabbed to death. Not until they turned him over onto his back did they realize the sadistic nature of his wounds.
Post 5
Mail Order Murder-The last thing the beautiful Russian mail order bride Anna dreamed of in 2001, was being murdered by her controlling and older American husband.
Few women find themselves in such a bizarre relationship, as did eighteen-year-old Anna Tonkov, a Russian native. Speaking minimal and badly broken English, the family expressed high expectations for their tall, voluptuous raven-haired daughter. Anna was the only child of senior and ailing parents, and her mother said she and her husband only wanted the best for her.
In a country where the average yearly income was three hundred dollars per person, Mr. and Mrs. Tonkov, believed that Anna’s future happiness lay with the United States.
Mrs. Tonkov recalled how Anna did not want to leave. It was the parents’ idea for her to be a mail-order bride. According to Mrs. Tonkov, Anna said, “‘what if I don’t find a husband? What if you and papa waste your money?’”
Mr. Tonkov recalled telling her daughter, that she was never a waste of their money. She was everything to them, and they wanted her to have everything America offered.
Mr. and Mrs. Tonkov then took Anna‘s photograph in a dress she had made, not like many of the other women posing for the magazine-loose women, half naked. “No good man wants them,” they said.
Anna was a lady, explained Mr. Tonkov-a good Christian girl. Hardworking and responsible. She was raised the right way, they both said.
In the spring of 2007, Anna became number M245 in a Russian mail-order catalog with a circulation of over twenty million viewers. The magazine was bursting with dozens of glossy, full-color photographs of young hopeful women, all looking for husbands to rescue them from their poverty, stricken and unhappy lives.
It was not long before Anna had her first letter from a perspective admirer. She returned to her small four-room home from her part-time job at a nearby bakery, and her glowing parents greeted her just inside the front door.
Mrs. Tonkov recalled how surprised Anna was when she saw her and her husband smiling. She then handed her daughter the pink envelope with trembling hands.
At first, Anna was afraid to open the letter, said Mr. Tonkov, but he told her it was from an American man. He said he and his wife watched as Anna read each word silently; her large dark eyes wide with anticipation. They said she was hesitant to respond to the sender. Maybe friendship would bloom. “If not you brush up on language skills,” said Mrs. Tonkov.
That made Anna laugh, recalled Mr. Tonkov. He still remembers her pretty laugh, “as if (she were) a small child without cares.”
Post 4
Thicker Than Water?-When 52 year old Kim Michaels is found dismembered inside her burned out home in 1996, officers find the crime more confusing than a jig saw puzzle.
According to fifty-eight-year-old Fire Chief Reginald Whitehall, a phone call came into the station around 9 pm, on August 18, 2010, sending the short, plump, salt-and-pepper-haired man and other personnel rushing to the scene. When they arrived, it appeared a Molotov cocktail, had been thrown through a living room window-a homemade device considered a simple and cheap form of arson. Minute’s later, area police arrived.
The caller identified herself as being fifty-two-year-old Kimberly Michaels, owner of the bombed house. The tall round woman with gray hair and brown-eyes, made it safely outside and waited on the sidewalk. She was being comforted by her neighbor, thirty-six-year-old Bonny-Jean, a petite red-head with blue-eyes, when fire trucks arrived.
The first thing forty-four-year-old veteran Detective Erick Bowers said he noticed was that the glass from the alcohol bottle was mostly on the outside of the window, lying on the ground. That alone screamed “inexperienced arsonist,” such as a young person, said the sandy-haired and green-eyed bachelor. That area was known as a drug-infested high-crime neighborhood.
According to the Fire Chief, the home was insured. There was minimal damage to the burned area. He knew of Kimberly’s neighborhood watch, and within that area, she was considered a hero. He said it took guts to stand up to drug dealers and gang members, but she did it.
Kimberly kept tabs on the officers assigned to her home arson case, recalled her older sister Rachel. According to Rachel, Kimberly said she wanted the crime solved. She wanted the bastard responsible for setting her beloved home on fire to pay. She was a determined woman, and she was not letting up.
According to Det. Bowers, he had his officers out in full force. Officers canvassed the entire area for five city blocks, looking for any witnesses, who might have seen or heard something peculiar around the time of the bombing. Reportedly, they found nothing useful to explain the bombing, or who might be the bomber.
Unfortunately, before the minor damage was repaired, the home was bombed again. This time two bombs came through the master bedroom of the home, Kimberly’s bedroom.
The Fire Chief was not the only one involved with the initial investigation who thought it strange for the same house to be bombed twice within two weeks. He said he wondered whether maybe the Good Samaritan had video taped the wrong crime, and her good luck had run out.
Talking with Rachel, police discovered Kimberly was a very caring daughter to their ailing parents. The father had built the couple’s house in 1940, when he and his wife first married. Kimberly grew up in that house and kept it immaculate. She never married or had children. She worked hard throughout her life and saved her money.
With the fires happening so close in time to one another, the Fire Chief theorized they might be retaliation bombings. Kimberly Michaels, was known for video taping the streets outside her house for drug activity. She then turned the tapes over to police, which had resulted in the arrests of several drug dealers.
Post 3 Murder Most Foul-a detective/mystery

Blurb for “Murder Most Foul” a detective/mystery
When two dismembered torsos wash up on the banks of the local river in the small industrial town of Pleasant Valley, residents are horrified. Between contradicting statements, police ineptitude, lust, lies, manipulation, incest, the motorcycle gang The Devil’s Disciples, crooked cops, and a botched crime scene, everyone becomes a suspect.
The young beautiful Jackie Reeves, a registered nurse, believes the killer is a man from her past. She contacts the dangerously handsome FBI Agent Walker Harmon. An arrest is made, but Harmon and Jackie believe an innocent man is being railroaded by local cops. How far will these lover’s go to solve this heinous crime before anymore killings. Determined to find the truth, Agent Harmon and Jackie are forced to run a gauntlet of deep trouble and turmoil, which marks them for death.
Author Bio:
I have been a long-time resident of southeastern Ohio, and worked in the blue-collar industry most of my life. Besides having several novels under my belt, I canvas paint.
When not busy with hobbies or working outside the home, I spend time with relatives, my dog Jasmine, and volunteer my time within the community. I am a member of the International Women’s Writing Guild, Savvy Authors, Coffee Time Romance, Paranormal Romance Guild, True Romance Studios, National Writers Association, the Hocking Hill's Arts and Craftsmen Association, The Hocking County Historical Society and Museum, and the Hocking Hills Regional Welcome Center. I believe in family values and following your dreams. My original canvas paintings, can be found at: booksandpaintingsbyjoanne.com
Other books by JoAnne:
"WICKED INTENTIONS" a paranormal/mystery anthology
"LOVES', MYTHS' AND MONSTERS'," a fantasy anthology
"THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY," a biography true-crime
"TWISTED LOVE," a true-crime anthology
“FLAGITIOUS,” a crime/mystery novella collection
Buy Links:
Lulu Paperback:
Barnes & Noble Paperback:
Post 2

Blurbs for “Flagitious” a four crime/mystery anthology
“Too Solve His Mother’s Murder”
After his Air Force career was interrupted by his mother’s untimely murder, Steven Moore, returned home. Met with a cold reception of lies, secrets, and threats, he is determined too find Wanda’s killer, even at the cost of his own life. Was Wanda a victim of the legendary Hatchet Man? Was this loving and devoted mother killed because of her shady past, or for her inheritance? Between finding the truth and falling in love, Steven stops at nothing, too solve his mother’s murder.
“The Other Couple’s Child”
Charlotte had it all. A loving and devoted husband. Supportive family and friends, and a house full of beautiful children. Everything was perfect for this Super Mom, until a medical procedure turns her life upside down, and spirals into a child abduction case. Time is running out. Will police arrive in time to save Charlotte and the other couple’s child?
“3381 Market Street”
Katherine Sims, a young widow working for a brokerage firm in a small southeastern town, is tired of the excuses concerning Charlie’s absence. She knows something terrible must have happened to her favorite nephew with the sad blue-eyes. After exposing the killer, Katherine’s life is turned upside down and she finds herself fighting for her life. Filled with maniacal suspects, a Satanic Cult, and danger around each corner, this story depicts one woman’s courage too avenge a child’s murder, while finding unexpected love.
“The Tarot Card Murders”
New Detective, and ex-navel man, twenty-six-year-old Nick Difozzio, returns to his small county determined too abolish crime. Not until death knocked on his door, did he know the face of evil. Will the decorated veteran destroy the Lycanthropes, or will he succumb to their murderess desires and become one of them? He took an oath too protect, honor, and uphold the law, but can he defy the lust, riches, and power offered, or are the ‘dark forces’ stronger than his will?
Excerpt from “The Tarot Card Murders”
The Scene: Detective Nick Difozzio has been called to another bizarre murder scene, located in the abandoned industrial section of town.
An abrupt silence you could cut with a knife filled the room. “Shape-shifters?” said one from the group. “You mean like a Yeti turns into a deer to avoid those who track it. Or the Lock Ness monster turns into a log.”
After Ted and the others poked fun at his fantastic idea, Nick laid it out, “Not exactly. But certain creatures are believed to have shape-shifting powers of one sort or another, and what other possibility is there to explain these bizarre murders?”
“Well, we could have a psychopath lurkin’ around. Or a nutty drifter or escaped convict,” Ted said. “But it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to understand that, if shape-shifters do exit, they would be very elusive creatures, nearly impossible to detect and capture. What does take a lot of imagination, is believing in shape-shifters.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’ll see ya tomorrow,” Nick said. Once outside, he noticed the full moon, and wondered, who will die tonight? On reaching his vehicle, he discovered a surprise in his passenger seat.
“Denise, what’s going on?” he asked via the driver’s window.
With teeth white as snow, she said, “Well, sugar, I was thinkin’ about the last time you were at my house. You remember, when you cabbaged my safe contents so foolishly?”
With a chuckle, he nodded. “Honey, the only foolish thing I did that night was fail to realize the money in the safe was counterfeit. But I bet it’s all gone now.”
“And I bet you’re right,” she smiled. Just then, Denise’ partner in crime, twenty-two-year-old Wendy Goss zapped the lawman with a stun gun from behind, dropping him like a hot potato.
Jumping from the vehicle, Denise removed Nick’s gun and cell phone, placing them under the seat. Afterward, both women placed him in the backseat. Getting behind the steering wheel of Nick’s car, Denise drove his Mustang, while Wendy followed in her Firebird.
Halfway to the destination spot, Nick regained consciousness. With his gun gone, he played dead, hoping to find the gang’s hangout. Soon both vehicles stopped. Denise exited the Ford then helped Wendy search the Firebird’s trunk, for items needed for Nick’s demise.
“Someone better keep an eye on the cop,” Wendy said.
“Don’t worry, that pig’s out cold,” Denise said, finding rope. Peering out the back window, Nick realized he was on an abandoned farm. Searching for landmarks, he memorized a foreclosure sign reading Stonewall Realty.
Uncertain if the girls were armed, Nick made the decision to strike now or never. Disabling his car’s dome light, he cautiously retreated from the backseat. As quiet as a mouse, he snuck up on the chattering women foraging for items to gag and bind him.
As soon as the murdering beauties were finished gathering their supplies, Denise slammed the trunk shut. Immediately Nick punched her between her baby blues, knocking her to the ground before turning on Wendy.
Struggling with the yellow-haired lady, who, like her partner, was trained in Judo, Nick swapped blows with the tall slender gal and encountered a high degree of skill. Then, recovering, Denise attacked him from behind with a blow to his ribs, bringing him to his knees. Both women struck like tigers from all sides.
Doing his best to avoid their most deadly kicks, Nick used every device not nailed down as a weapon against the feisty felines. First, his leather belt with the sterling silver buckle, then, a stray piece of firewood left behind by the homeowners. Across the parking area, the trio fought. Nick matched his street skills against the trained martial artists as each one fought for their own reasons.
The gallant cop battled for his life and self-respect, while the women fought for control over the detective representing the authority they loathed. Or perhaps, Denise and Wendy’s desire for domination extended to include the entire county, not just the town, thought Nick. Whatever the reason, they’re formidable.
Bruised and bleeding, the women fought until Nick broke Wendy’s arm. Seizing the opportunity to get away, she escaped in her vehicle leaving her comrade helpless and easily overpowered.
“Get off me, you bastard!” Denise screamed as Nick slammed her to the ground, cuffing her.
“You’re under arrest.” Wiping the blood from his lip, he threw her into his vehicle then drove to the local hospital. On the way there, Nick phoned headquarters, “I got one of the blood members. We’re on our way to the ER.”
Author Bio:
JoAnne has been a long-time resident of southeastern Ohio, and worked in the blue-collar industry most of her life. Besides having seven novels under her belt, JoAnne canvas paints. When not busy with hobbies or working outside the home, JoAnne spends time with relatives, her dog Jasmine, and volunteers her time within the community.
JoAnne is a member of the International Women’s Writing Guild, Savvy Authors, Coffee Time Romance, Paranormal Romance Guild, True Romance Studios, National Writers Association, the Hocking Hill's Arts and Craftsmen Association, The Hocking County Historical Society and Museum, and the Hocking Hills Regional Welcome Center.
JoAnne believes in family values and following your dreams. Her original canvas paintings, can be found at: http://www.booksandpaintingsbyjoanne.com
Other books by JoAnne:
"WICKED INTENTIONS" a paranormal/mystery anthology
"LOVES', MYTHS' AND MONSTERS'," a fantasy anthology
"THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY," a biography true-crime
"TWISTED LOVE," a true-crime anthology
“MURDER MOST FOUL,” a detective/mystery
Contact JoAnne:
Email: authorjoannemyers@yahoo.com
Buy links:
Amazon Kindle:
Post 2
Blurbs for “Twisted Love” 12 cases of love gone bad
It’s a chilling reality that homicide investigators know all too well: the last face most murder victims see is not that of a stranger, but of someone familiar.
The End of Autumn-To keep from paying child support for his three children, Rodney Williams, plots with his parents to kidnap his estranged wife, 25-year old Autumn, in broad daylight. This 2011 crime shocked the small community of Logan, Ohio.
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing-In 2011, 53 year old Russell Strothers, and his teenage accomplice find their victims through Craigslist and strike with calculating and deadly force.
A Senseless Killing-This 2010 case uncovers how a 40 year old likable barmaid was lured to her death after she rejects her young admirers sexual advances.
The Death of Innocence-This 2011 murder case involved 4 year old Marcie Willis, and her evil stepmother 25 year old Cheryl, from the small bedroom community of The Plains, Ohio.
The Girl Not Forgotten-This cold case took 26 years to solve, but brought justice for 13-year-old Holly Buford, and put serial rapist, 40-year-old Stanley Snead, behind bars.
The Possession-When 29-year-old Valerie Harris severs the penis of her sexually abusive father, it makes national news in 2007.
Home Town Hero-When deaf students are murdered in the prestigious Rose Brick College of the Deaf in 2008, everyone is shocked when discovering the killer is one of their own.
Horrible Sin-When 42 year old Fortune Teller Sally Vu and her 21-year-old daughter Veronica are discovered murdered and physically desecrated, in 2001, evidence points to revenge and a spell gone wrong.
All For the Family-In 2003, as a way to erase her 22-year-old husbands criminal past, 19 year old Molly Abbott devises a ghoulish and desperate strategy.
Thicker Than Water?-When 52 year old Kim Michaels is found dismembered inside her burned out home in 1996, officers find the crime more confusing than a jig saw puzzle.
Mail Order Murder-The last thing the beautiful Russian mail order bride Anna dreamed of in 2001, was being murdered by her controlling and older American husband.
Where’s Christopher?-When four year old Christopher Ellis goes missing, numerous excuses and an odd odor emanating from the backyard in 1991, raises eyebrows.
Hoping to land a farm job and move close to his family, Jay Davis, then forty-seven, met his interviewer and walked with him through the autumn-colored woodlands of southeastern Ohio on November 6, 2011, at around 7:30 pm.
Everything went fine, said Davis, until he heard a curse word from the man who he knew as “Buck,” and then the click of a gun. He whirled around to find a pistol stuck in his face. He shielded the blow by knocking the firearm from its shooters hand, before running for his life.
Stumbling several times, while being fired upon, Davis raced through the thicket and hid in a creed bed under a tree for several hours; until he felt it safe enough to go for help. He feared bleeding to death he later told police.
This bizarre story was uncovered when a Noble County couple heard a knock on their farmhouse door. They were shocked to discover the terrified and bleeding South Carolina man pleading for help.
Immediately the victim was aided by the farm owners, and the authorities notified. Paramedics arrived, and the man was transported to the area hospital with a bullet wound to the right elbow. After interviewing the man in his hospital room, officials with the Noble County Sheriff’s Office, discovered that he had recently responded to an ad on Craigslist for a job on an Ohio cattle farm.
According to the victim, he had earlier that day met up with an older man who introduced himself as “Buck”, and a much younger male, who he was told was Buck’s nephew. The three ate breakfast in Marietta, paid for by “Buck”, before driving to the alleged cattle farm. Once there and according to Jay Davis, “Buck” told him the road to the cattle farm was closed due to a landslide and they needed to walk to the property through a heavily wooded area. A walk that nearly ended with murder.
Post 1
List of Participants:
Blurb for “The Crime of the Century” a shocking true story
The residents of Rolling Hills, a hamlet in southeastern Ohio, were horrified when the dismembered bodies of two missing teens were pulled from the local river. Multiply suspects surfaced, but only one was railroaded, Richard Allan Lloyd, a known nudist and hothead.
What began as an evening stroll turned into what found only in horror films, and dubbed ‘the crime of the century’. 18 year old Babette, a voluptuous beauty contestant and horsewoman, and her 19 year old boyfriend Shane Shoemaker, a jealous and possessive unemployed printer, were last seen crossing a trestle bridge. Within fourteen days, their mutilated torsos and severed heads and limbs were unearthed, suggesting satanic cult activity.
With an investigation smeared with contradicting statements, and a botched crime scene, investigators built a flimsy case against Richard Lloyd. The three-week trial was based on police corruption and ineptitude, fairytale theories, and forensic mishandling.
This heinous crime shattered the sense of security for Rolling Hills, destroyed two families, and forever scarred the town. This story is a detailed account of finding justice for Babette and Shane, and of one man’s perseverance to gain his freedom from death row.
At 5:45 pm., Chief White used his walkie-talkie, to radio Lt.
Phillipes, who stayed at the command post with Richard and Nancy. Only a few short words were needed.
“We found something, but we don’t know what it is,” said the chief. What searchers found . . . was unthinkable.
Just 150 yards north of the railroad trestle spanning Bottle Neck River, Sheriff Reynolds and one of his deputies reported “something entangled in debris,” near their small boat.
The officers initially said they believed the object was an animal carcass. Once it was dislodged and floated down stream, they realized it was human.
The officers then followed the remains and discovered 30 yards south of the first torso, the second torso was located. Both torsos were reportedly snagged against brush along the riverbank just west of The Regency Supply Company. Both torsos were reportedly nude and so badly decomposed, officers said they were unable to determine their sex.
Upon the discovery, Jack Jones broke down and was seen “running and screaming” from the area. The remains were pulled to shore and coroner Rausch was summoned to the riverbank.
Law enforcement personnel cleared the immediate area of non-official personnel. Afterward, they stationed themselves around the perimeter of the area while the bodies were examined.
Many searchers, upon leaving the crime scene, were overheard by reporters asking one another “Are the authorities looking for one killer or two?”
After his initial examination of the bodies, the coroner said he was unable to rule on the cause of death or what sex the torsos were. What he did say, was that if one man committed both murders, it was “during a great rage” and by someone with something “very personal” against one, or both, of the victims.
Sheriff Reynolds reported an empty purse found, but did not know if it belonged to Babette. He told reporters, he did not believe the bodies were the missing Rolling Hills teens. Richard Lloyd told reporters that, when he and Nancy heard the bodies might not be that of Babette and Shane, they were relieved, and said, “That comment gave me and Nancy a speck of hope.”
The discovery of the bodies shocked and silenced the group of volunteers. Most returned to the 10-12-2014 7:22:46 AM CST
Good morning readers and fellow authors. I am the proud author of 7 published books by 3 publishers. I write fantasy, mystery, paranormal, true crime and poetry. For this weeks Sneak Peek, I have chosen a preview of one of my short stories within my fantasy anthology, Loves, Myths, and Monsters, published by Melange Books. Please browse my website and let me know what I can do for you. Thank you and have a great hop.

Loves, Myths and Monsters-11 fantasy tales entwined with the human world
Welcome to Anna came from my love of the Twilight Trilogy. Instead of the leading lady pursued by a vampire and a werewolf as in Twilight, a Chupracabra pursues the leading lady in Welcome to Anna, a large hideous creature that transforms between being a coyote and a beast that kills at will. What happens next is a series of chilling mysteries, and unsuspecting friendships and love.
The Hunter's Bride-This story derived from searching the Internet on various legends and myths from different countries.
Moon People came from my imagination of how I believe Mermaids came to exist. Since they are part human, I imaged superior beings living on the Moon, and one fell off, landing in the Earth’s ocean, and swallowed by a passing fish.
The Pack-This story depicts my version of how werewolves evolved.
The Bidding I got from watching an episode of The Twilight Zone as a child. It takes place in Circleville, an actual town in Ohio, close to my home.
The Agreement-Roseville, an actual small town in Ohio, is where this story takes place. I thought it would be interesting to find out what happens to an arrogant city slicker when he meets a no-nonsense country sheriff.
For The Love of Ginnie-My love of American history and the Civil War, conjured up this time travel tale of adventure, leading to a roller coaster ride of joy and perils for hero and scientist Alex Anderson, to rescue his beloved Ginnie from a sniper’s bullet.
Is It Only A Myth? - With the legends, myths, movies made of it, and reported sightings of this elusive but deadly creature half man/bat/rat, I had to write about the Mothman.
The Proposition-I wrote this tale of love conquers all, because I love cowboys, and strong-minded women.
The House on Shady Lane-historical facts of a family from 1873 believed to be the country’s first serial killer family inspired this grisly tale. Even the famous Pickerington Detective Agency was hot on their trail.
Love's Curse takes place in a real town famous for local resident John Holmes, the King of Porn, and of the local college’s actual mascot.
Excerpt for “The Love of Ginnie”
I don’t know why I wanted to save the life of a person I never met. Maybe it was because I was tired of bachelorhood. Maybe it was because I was a chemist and the unusual, and unexplained, fascinated me. Or, maybe, it was because I was obsessed with this twenty-year-old, dark-haired beauty named Mary Virginia “Ginnie” Wade I had read about.
These questions filtered through my mind as I drove to the bar to meet my best friend Will.
Will’s favorite hangout was “The Bling,” originally an old truck stop on State Route 93, in Nelsonville, Ohio. The place became a restaurant/lounge/dance hall and brothel when semis no longer became a necessity for long distance hauling. The invention of the transporter also replaced many other primitive jobs such as mail delivery and travel. “The Bling” was best known for the large flashing lights suggesting scantily clad women in seductive positions above the front entrance, and its “bulldogs,” monster-sized bouncers in Armani suits who patrolled its two-block perimeter, inside and out.
“The Bling,” just another joint with a sleazy atmosphere, like all alcohol-serving establishments, differed only in that it catered exclusively to class “A” clientele. Politely—or maybe not so politely—everyone called it the “Whorehouse for the rich and bored.” Its reputation grew. Its income grew even faster.
I pulled up in front and exited my vintage DeLorian, tossing the keys to the baby-faced valet, by-passed the doorman with no questions asked. Just an exchange of large smiles between us. Will was also part-owner.
As I entered the twenty-four carat gold, electronic doors, Will immediately spotted me and motioned me toward the bar with his diamond embellished hand.
I loved sitting at the bar. It was the perfect place to see the shows. “Two double scotches and water,” Will said, as we shook hands, and I slid into my seat beside him, just as the tall, leggy waitress produced the drinks in an instant.
I immediately recognized the “girl” as one of the latest “do-everything-like-a-wife” robotics. Robot manufacturing had become a booming business since the last war destroyed the immune and reproductive systems in most humans, especially females.
“I don’t know why you waste your time flirting with non-humans,” I said, cautiously sipping my drink. The immense emptiness of not being able to acquire a wife and soul mate, I felt at this age in my life, almost drove me to alcoholism, but my boss and mentor, Doctor Obar Gabry, intervened, saving my life and promising career.
“Because, dear friend,” Will began, “beggars can’t be choosey, and ladies are in scarce supply. Beside, these ‘girls’ are all pink inside.”
“Ugh!” I said, gulping down a large swallow of alcohol as if it could wash away my friend’s vile mental picture from my mind.
“Come on, Alex, loosen up. Live a little.” Will motioned to the waitress for another round of drinks. “You’re alive, so act like it. Don’t let your beautiful mind go to waste. This world needs people like you. People started treating me like a god once I became an entrepreneur, and I love it.”
I had to laugh. Maybe my self-pity stage had outlived its use. Only I can find a wife for myself. I certainly won’t ask Will to hook me up. His sense of values are as artificial as the women he beds.
The pain and loneliness I felt at times from yearning for a life-long partner and family wasn’t easy to accomplish. Scientific and Medical technology still could not reverse the sterilization effects on the female species.
Sure there were some human women to date. But most were either sterile, too old, too young, or there was just no chemistry between the two of us. I wanted that spark that unites between two people madly in love...like my parents. I never met any couple happier with one another then my beloved parents. That’s the kind of love I want…never ending.
The emptiness and frustration of not finding companionship at times made me want to die. But that was the loneliness talking. I know that now. I love life. I want to live, and I know who I want for a wife. It’s just that meeting her would be a little tricky.
Abruptly, I asked, “What do you think about time travel?”
“Are you serious?” Will asked. “Scientists have tried to conquer time travel for hundreds of years, and failed.”
“Maybe they failed because they weren’t Doctor Gabry and me.”
Will looked at me in awe. “Oh, my god, you’re serious!”
“We discovered something today in the lab,” I said, giving him an arrogant smile. “We believe this is the answer.”
“So who is to be the Guinea pig?”
Silence came from Will, then a gasp. “That could be suicide.”
“Or the biggest discovery of the thirtieth century.”
Buy Links:
LULU in print
09-26-2014 6:31:53 PM CST
Hello all and welcome again to my blog. I write fantasy, paranormal, mystery, poetry and true crime. Please browse my website and enjoy my post for author Becky Monson and her new release. Thank you
Thirty-Two Going on Spinster by Becky Monson
Julia Dorning is a spinster, or at least on the road to becoming one. She has no social life, hates her job, and lives in her parent’s basement with her cat, Charlie.
With the arrival of Jared Moody, the new hire at work, Julia’s mundane life is suddenly turned upside down. Her instant (and totally ridiculous) crush on the new guy causes Julia to finally make some long-overdue changes, in hopes to find a life that includes more than baking and hanging out with Charlie.
But when the biggest and most unexpected change comes, will the new and improved Julia be able to overcome it? Or will she go back to her spinster ways?
Purchase your copy for just $2.99!!
Amazon * Barnes & Noble * iTunes * Kobo
Excerpt from Thirty-Two Going on Spinster
By Becky Monson
“I feel that, as a friend, I need to tell you something,” Brown says to me as we go outside to the smoking area. It’s near the end of the day and Mr. Nguyen had a meeting, so I figured I could take a little break.
“What is it?” I ask, not truly caring. I am still annoyed with her. I want to say something, but there is no point. She wouldn’t care anyway.
“Friends do not let friends go around with that,” she says, pointing to my upper lip.
“What do you mean? Is there something on my lip?” I ask, walking over to the door to see if I can see my reflection in the glass. I can’t see anything.
“Yes, there is something on your upper lip… hair.”
Whaaaaaaaaat? “Are you serious? I have a moustache?” My hand immediately goes up to my mouth, covering it and my upper lip. “But… I… How bad?” Somehow this is very fitting. A spinster with a moustache.
“Look, it’s not bad. And we do not call it a ‘moustache,’ it’s referred to as ‘upper lip hair,’” says the perfectly-put-together prom queen. “You have sort of… always had one. But it was always blonde hair, so I never said anything. But now, all of the sudden, there are brown hairs as well as the blonde.”
"I guess right now would be a good time to die. I mean, I recently had a conversation with a good-looking man and this hasn’t happened in, well, over a decade. And I realize it wasn’t a real conversation since I couldn’t say more than three word sentences. But he was talking to me up-close and—oh my gosh, he could have seen it. Of course he did because that is how my life goes. I am an under-a-conference-table-hiding-deaf-mute-possibly-slow-spinster… with a moustache. Next comes sagging boobs and trailer parks."
Author Becky Monson
By day, Becky Monson is a mother of three young children, and a wife. By night, she escapes with reading books and writing. In her debut novel, Becky uses humor and true-life experiences to bring her characters to life. She loves all things chick-lit (movies, books, etc), and wishes she had a British accent. She has recently given up Diet Coke for the fiftieth time and is hopeful time will last… But it probably won’t. Becky runs a large book club on Facebook called “This Chick Reads”.
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Blog Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 10/12/14
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Amazon.com Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.
09-11-2014 11:11:44 AM CST
Hello all, thank you for dropping by my website. Please find time to browse while you are here to help celebrate the new release "An Event to Remember...or Forget" by the lovely Melissa Baldwin. I am the proud author of 7 published books by 3 publishing houses and I also canvas paint. Thank you and enjoy the rest of the blog tour.

An Event to Remember… or Forget
Sienna Harris is a girl with a plan. Her days of slaving away at Carrie’s Classic Events and More are numbered as she is on the brink of launching her own event planning company. Her relationship with Luke Price is headed in the right direction and they are approaching their one-year mark. The future is looking bright and she knows that life could not get any better . . . That is until her perfectly planned world is thrown upside down by the unexpected arrival of someone from Luke’s past.
She receives the shock of her life on the night of the biggest event of her career. Sienna will now have to pull it all together without a list or a plan. The question is, can she do it?
$25 Amazon Gift Card of Paypal Cash
Ends 10-2-2014
Excerpt #1
I made it to spinning class two mornings in a row; I’m on fire. It’s 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning. Craig, Nicole, and I are waiting at Bonjour for Carrie to arrive.
“Let’s take bets on if she actually comes, twenty bucks she’s a no-show,” Craig demands.
Bonjouris the most adorable little breakfast café, and the food is amazing. We sit at the same table, and the staff always takes very good care of us.
“Sienna?” says a voice behind me. Oh no, it’s Luke. This is pretty awkward considering we haven’t spoken since I let him have it the other night. “I’m really sorry” and “I love your” texts he sent.
He is with a few co-workers that I recognize but don’t really know well.
“Are you having a work meeting?” he asks. He waves to Craig and Nicole. They both say hi, looking very curious about our obvious awkwardness. I’m sure they will force me to explain it before I leave this meeting.
“Yeah, we are just waiting on Carrie as usual.” I roll my eyes.
“Ah yes, the infamous Carrie. I still can’t believe that I’ve never met her, only heard the stories,” he says, laughing.
“Well, considering she’s hardly ever in town, that’s not surprising,” I reply.
Coincidentally, at that very moment, the front door flies open and there she is in head to toe designer couture.
“So sorry I’m late, had to take a call. I need a double espresso,” she calls as she saunters over to our table. Luke and I are still engaged in our awkward conversation. Carrie approaches and pulls off her Prada sunglasses staring directly at Luke.
Author Melissa Baldwin
Melissa graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications; she has always had a love for writing. An avid journal keeper, she fulfilled her dream with her debut novel, An Event To Remember . . . Or Forget.
Melissa resides in Orlando, Florida, with her husband and young daughter. She is a master at organization and multi-tasking. Her daily jobs include mother, chauffeur, wife, PTA President, Fitness Trainer, and now Author.
When she has free time, she enjoys traveling, fitness, decorating, fashion, and taking a Disney Cruise every now and then.
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09-01-2014 9:38:32 PM CST
Hello readers, thank you for dropping by my website. Today I am proud to announce my guest author is the lovely Samanthya Wyatt. She loves comments, so please do say "hi". Thank you.
Thank you, JoAnne, for having me as a guest on your Blog Site. I’m so excited to be here. And I’m excited about my contemporary romance, Something More. Life is an interesting journey. We never know what is in store for us. Like any other child I had dreams—be a singer, be a movie star—but the one thing that seemed to come natural was write. A few years ago I decided to pursue writing seriously. I pulled my story out of the closet and finished my historical, The Right One, the first of a trilogy, “One and Only Series”.Usually I research and plan before creating a MS. But “Something More” happened one day while I was playing around to get my mind off edits of my current MS. I was in a fun mood and wrote a scene with two women bantering back and forth on a cruise ship. The words seemed to flow and I had a ball. I typed and laughed. Afterwards, I really felt good. So I ended up writing my first contemporary. Modern day women have more freedom, and my wit seems to come out more with contemporary.

The setting is New York. The beautiful Brooklyn Bridge is on my cover. New York is a magnet, exuding power, and encases a very active life style. So I’ve created two strong characters with such a régime.
A determined man, a headstrong woman, and a battle of wills.
Matthew longs for a woman to share his life, not his bank account. He owns a prestigious
company that he rules with an iron fist. On his way to an important meeting, a light flirtation turns
into more than he expects. He meets a woman with more confidence and strength than most men.
Long legs get his attention, but Carrie attracts his interest. The alluring beauty does not need his
money, and makes it clear she does not need him. He accepts the unspoken challenge.
Carrie trusts no man. An executive partner, she possesses a confidence that makes her
assertive and her aggressiveness toward the male gender is somewhat intimidating. Until a pair of
mischievous eyes melts her defenses, and has her second guessing her convictions. The day he
shoved her into that cab he must have chiseled a chink in her armor. Matthew charges into her well
organized life, cracks the stone wall she’s built and instills an emotion she swore never to
allow.Infatuation and excitement spark a journey of passion and forbidden emotion where two
people must overcome their earlier convictions to find an everlasting love.

Creating characters and bringing two people together in a romantic tale gives me great pleasure.
The more I write, the more I become involved with my characters, and they seem to take a life of
their own. All my characters are fictitious. Although, I have taken real life experiences to achieve the
emotion for my heroes and heroines. I enjoy penning a story with strong characters, a bit of humor,
and active scenes. Sometimes, I have so many ideas I can’t get them on paper fast enough. I’ve
started a hunky fireman series, The firemen of Station Eight. Can’t wait to get those published. It’s
been a whirlwind, that’s for sure. I don’t need to tell any writer how difficult it is to find time to put
words to paper, let alone create them in your mind. I’ve spent a lot of late night hours on the
weekends. Finally, my time is my own and I am able to write during the day—when I’m home. LOL. I
keep the road hot. I go to soccer ball games, baseball games, football, cheer competition, or just
babysit the wee ones.I invite you to lay the worries of the world off your shoulders and get lost in
the pages of a romance, where you embark on a journey with the hero and heroine, become
involved in a dream, plunge into a world of fantasy, live an adventure your heart can share.
Please enjoy an excerpt.
Something More
Matthew just got a jolt to his solar plexus. His eyes darted to her mouth. His
breathing slowed at the thought of his tongue sliding across and through those
daring, full lips. Why was he even considering the idea?
He’d seen her in the airport. A striking female who had his pulses leaping with
excited interest. He was a leg man, and she had killer legs. He thought a light
flirtation might be just the thing he needed to recover from a frenzied airport. He’d
grabbed a last minute flight, got stuck in coach, and had to survive the aircraft
from hell. Screaming, undisciplined children only made matters worse with the
headache from an already bad day. When he’d seen her dash for the taxi, he
immediately decided to take full advantage of the opportunity.
One of the sexiest women he’d ever seen sat mere inches away. True, her long blond
hair might be plastered against her lovely head and shoulders, but heat came off
her like an inferno. Her shoulders squared like a warrior preparing for battle. Blue-
eyed, bottle-blondes were too available, too anxious to be the next one in his bed.
This poised creature was about as far from a Barbie doll as one could be. She didn’t
need to flaunt her beauty like other self-centered females. In only a few moments,
she’d shown self-assurance and a strength many men lacked.
She had blue eyes the color of the bluest sky on any summer day. They sparked fire,
yet generated warmth. Her intense scrutiny gave a good kick to his already
skipping pulse. The magnetism pulled him in like a fish on a reel that wanted to be
caught. At the same time, her look cautioned—don’t be too sure of yourself, for I
may throw you back.
It had been a long while since he’d seriously craved a woman. Matthew boldly
studied her profile. His creative mind already imagined the possibilities. A kiss on
her round little nose. A lingering caress over her smooth cheeks. A nibble on her
stubborn chin. His gaze traveled lower to find the clinging wet material molded to
her body exposed every curve and valley of sinful bliss.
Air hissed between his teeth as he recalled her beaded nipples poking the front of
her soaked blouse. His blood thickened and so did another part of him. He shifted
hoping to give the impression he was uncomfortable from sodden clothes.
A soft rush of air brushed his damp face causing his gaze to focus on hers. He’d been
caught staring—again. Long brown lashes fanned out around her spearing gaze.
Her eyes brightened. Sensuous lips promising delight curled into an evocative
smile, parted as if awaiting his kiss, and then she laughed. The throaty sound sent
electric shocks of awareness drumming through his system.
His body responded to her in a way it had not stirred in a long time, and he relished
the moment. His thoughts clouded as his pulse surged. He needed to explore why
this creature enflamed his senses and fueled his desire. Thank God, she had a sense
of humor.
“I believe in being a gentleman, no matter what you may have deemed from my
actions earlier.” Matthew reluctantly released her hand. “Please forgive me.”
He remembered his sister’s puppy, and how sad little eyes had secured her devotion.
Matthew tried for the most pitiful look he could manage, hoping to warrant Carrie’s
empathy. “Am I forgiven?” A delicious smile formed on her mouth wrenching his
groin. Her intoxicating scent made him long to lean closer. The idea of tasting those
sumptuous lips led to other delightful fantasies.
“What kind of female would I be if I left a poor unfortunate man out in the cold,
pouring rain without a care to his distress?”
If she only knew.
"Surely you’re not suggesting the kind of female as those during the bra burning
era? The ones who refuse to allow a man a simple act such as opening the door for
them. That type of female would lock the door at the butcher shop and dangle the
steak in front of a starving man looking in the window.” He leaned toward her. “But
certainly not you. You, dear lady, have been most kind.”
“Kind that I didn’t throw you out after you manhandled me into this vehicle?”
Mathew gave his most disarming grin. “You must take into account I’m not
responsible for my actions. I’d just survived irrational people and belligerent
children. I landed in bedlam instead of an airport. Disorderly people turned into an
angry mob. Then I was distracted by a most beautiful woman. How can I be blamed
for my quick thinking?”
The twinkle in her eyes warmed his sense of humor. His gaze dropped to her mouth.
The instinct to kiss her rose-colored lips made him wonder what she would taste
like. Cherries? Sweet caramel? He concentrated on their fullness instead of the
words coming from her mouth. Her voice exposed confidence and control. Forcing
his gaze from temptation, he met her stare. Her eyes sent the message—I will chew
you up and spit you out if I want to.
A challenge?
How often was it he actually met someone sexy who didn’t immediately try to
seduce him? How long since he’d met a woman smart and entertaining. Not only
had she captured his attention, she’d seized his curiosity. And nothing got his
adrenaline flowing faster than a hardy challenge.
I’m so proud to have my second book published by Soul Mate Publishing.
Please visit my webpage: samanthyawyatt.com
You can also find me on Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon, and SMP Authors.
Thank you for your interest. Tell your friends.

Buy links:
Something More hhtp:amzn.to/1mhTqw4
The Right One http:amzn.to/1lEk2qY sequel to be released in December 2014
08-30-2014 5:55:55 PM CST
Hello and welcome to my blog. Please browse and view my books and paintings. I write paranormal, fantasy, true crime, mystery, and poetry. I have 7 published books by 3 publishing companies, and canvas paint. For this weeks Sneak Peek, I have chosen one story in my true crime biography anthology, "Twisted Love" 12 cases of love gone bad. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you.
Outline: It’s a chilling reality that homicide investigators know all too well: the last face most murder victims see is not that of a stranger, but of someone familiar.
Blurb: All For the Family-In 2003, as a way to erase her 22-year-old husbands criminal past, 19 year old Molly Abbott devises a ghoulish and desperate strategy.
Excerpt: If nineteen-year-old Molly had listened to her mother, perhaps the slender, freckle-faced felon and her now-divorced felon husband Ernie would not be sitting in a Texas prison. The way the auburn-haired Molly chose to make a new life for herself and Ernie shocked the town and became forever known as the cruelest and dumbest action one could take when one wants to do “all for the family.”
Candy will say she tried to talk her daughter out of marrying the lazy, drinking, sandy-haired, blue-eyed Ernie. But Molly was “starry-eyed head over heels in love,” or so she thought.
Molly insisted she knew the seldom-employed Ernie well enough to be his wife and allow him to be the only father her four-year-old son Mathew knew. Even though Mathew was conceived from an earlier relationship, Molly insisted that the uncouth and chain-smoking Ernie treated him respectfully. “He loves me and Mathew,” Molly would say.
After a two-month courtship, Molly married twenty-two-year-old Ernie Abbott. According to Candy, she hated Ernie and wanted everyone including Molly to know it. She told Molly she was making a drastic mistake by marrying Ernie, but her eldest daughter, insisted the two were soul mates. “He’s the one,” Molly said.
In a simple backyard ceremony with the theme of Harley Davidson motorcycles, the pair exchanged wedding vows. As if straight from the pages of American Rider, the bride wore jeans and a sleeveless Harley shirt. The groom donned black leather chaps and a vest emblazon with the famous cycle logo.
Friends and relatives surrounded the glowing couple and, happily toasted them with keg beer. A reception followed, with grilled hotdogs and burgers as the main course. They received numerous wedding gifts and money, to help them on their way to a long and happy life together…or so the giddy couple thought.
Candy was not the only one who disapproved of the courtship. Baby-sister Janie was as different from Molly as igloos are from tropical huts. Janie was known as the “pretty” sister and Molly the “plain Jane”. Janie thought Ernie was a loser, as did most of Molly’s family. She believed her big sister thought she was in love, because, according to Janie, Ernie was the first man to pay attention to Molly in a long time.
According to Janie, Molly called her jealous. Afterward, Janie thought it best to let Molly find out for herself what a “bad apple,” Ernie was. She gave the marriage two years, “Good things come to those who wait,” she said.
The next move for the newlyweds was buying the dream home Molly wanted so much. According to Molly, when she saw the two-story ranch-style house in a quiet and family-oriented neighborhood, with an adjoining playground and dog park, she knew, “This is the one for us.”
She said Ernie picked her up and swung her around, telling her the house would be theirs. They called the realtor, and three weeks later they moved in-but as renters, not owners.
According to the loan officer, both had inadequate credit. The loan officer informed the couple that with neither earning more then minimum wage, and Ernie’s upcoming legal matters, he did not see a home in their near future.
Molly was devastated, recalled Candy. Besides being a mother, Molly wanted so much to be a homeowner, she said.
Another person who had doubts about the couple getting the home was Rita, Ernie’s mother. Tall and skinny, with waist-length red hair, Rita dressed and partied like a teenager. When she learned of her son attempting to purchase a home, she told relatives, “With Ernie’s credit and legal matters, he couldn’t get a loan for a candy bar.”

08-27-2014 8:38:06 AM CST
Hello everyone, thank you for being at Books and Paintings by JoAnne. Please browse my website and check things out. I write mystery, paranormal, fantasy, true crime and poetry. Today I have the lovely and talented Becky Monson with her new release, "Thirty-Two Going on Spinster "
Julia Dorning is a spinster, or at least on the road to becoming one. She has no social life, hates her job, and lives in her parent’s basement with her cat, Charlie.
With the arrival of Jared Moody, the new hire at work, Julia’s mundane life is suddenly turned upside down. Her instant (and totally ridiculous) crush on the new guy causes Julia to finally make some long-overdue changes, in hopes to find a life that includes more than baking and hanging out with Charlie.
But when the biggest and most unexpected change comes, will the new and improved Julia be able to overcome it? Or will she go back to her spinster ways?
Purchase your copy for just $2.99!!
Amazon * Barnes & Noble * iTunes * Kobo
Praise for Thirty-Two Going on… Spinster
“Oh my, oh my. I have just finished wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes. This is seriously funny.”
~Julie Darley (Never judge a Book by its Movie)
“This was a refreshing change of pace for me to read. Some good clean romance was found in it’s pages and that is a rare find these days. It was some great chick-lit. I would not have thought this was Becky’s debut book, it was so well done.”
~Liberty Ann (SnifferWalkBooks)

Author Becky Monson
By day, Becky Monson is a mother of three young children, and a wife. By night, she escapes with reading books and writing. In her debut novel, Becky uses humor and true-life experiences to bring her characters to life. She loves all things chick-lit (movies, books, etc), and wishes she had a British accent. She has recently given up Diet Coke for the fiftieth time and is hopeful time will last… But it probably won’t. Becky runs a large book club on Facebook called “This Chick Reads”.

Facebook * Website * Twitter * Pinterest * Goodreads * Blog
To register in Rafflecopter for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal cash, please use this link. Participants must be 18 or older or have a parent register for them. Ends 9-30-2014
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This tour was hosted by Inspired Kathy
08-25-2014 9:27:11 PM CST
Hello and welcome to Books and Paintings by JoAnne. This week I have
new author David Russell as my guest. He is eager to tell you all about his
hot and steamy new book, "Dreamtime Sensuality". Please make David
welcome and leave a comment.
Dreamtime Sensuality
Many a dream can be realized with a little forethought. The characters in this quartet of stories are intelligent, sensitive and literary. They are also supremely voyeuristic and open-minded. Their intelligence is counterbalanced by inhibitions, which they can only lose by premeditated seduction scenarios, which relate intimately to their professional, creative and cultural lives. The great effort each couple puts into arranging a scenario seems to enhance the quality of the experience. A great source of inspiration for this and other works has been the novel The Girl Beneath the Lion by André Pieyre de Mandiargues.
Seductive Semaphore: Fashion Designer Bethesda and journalist Hector live opposite each other, with windows facing. They make initial contact through visible, provocative gestures. Soon afterwards, they get direct contact when Hector assists Bethesda with her folio. She invites him round to model for some of her fashion creations, and proceeds to seduce him. The seduction continues with a ritual visit to a sports centre, and then to a beach. They leave it open as to whether their relationship could ever become long-term.
The Heroine and the Author: Dreamer Hecate discovers she has a terminal illness. She wants to make the most of the time she has left by being celebrated in literature as a charismatic, legendary figure. She meets Ferdinand, a ghost writer, who is happy to undertake this massive project with her. In the process, She gets an idea of his physique through jogging and the fitness centre. Then there is a seduction scene inspired by the literary models of Sappho and Donne. Being ‘open-minded’, they make a pact for each one to go and have a sexual adventure – his hetero, hers lesbian. Their relationship is enhanced by this extra dimension.
Dreamtime Sensuality: Romona, highly literary and highly inhibited, goes to an exotic island location. She deeply desires a passionate encounter. At the Pension where she stays, she meets Stefano, who fulfils her requirements exactly. The proprietress of the Pension picks up on Romona’s shyness, and gives her reassurance, including some practice in the art of kissing. Romona orchestrates an elaborate beach seduction scenario, and they are both fulfilled. They never meet again, but their exchange of emails and text messages goes on indefinitely.
Dancing with Danger: Verona is a Scriptwriter and Gareth an archaeologist. They both have ‘retreats’ near the coast, and discover their common interests. Verona contrives a half-seduction on a deserted beach, wearing 18th century retro gear – related to their common interests. After some further encounters, they give each other a ‘dare’ to go and have a really risky encounter with someone really dodgy. Gareth finds a young woman on the run. Verona has a rapturous encounter with someone who gets hauled in by the police, suspected of terrorism. She uses her charm on the interrogating police officer to extricate herself. So Verona and Gareth both meet up again, to tell their respective tales.
Hecate read some verses of Sappho, which she felt totally appropriate to his slender grace, so nearly androgynous. She quoted a phrase demanding his fixed, concentrated stare into her eyes. The eye contact was clinched Hecate’s introduction was a quote from her.
Ferdinand responded to the prompt; he knew what he had to do—gradually, at intervals, he removed his garments one by one as she breathlessly read the hypnotic, seductive phrases.
His garments came off with ease and grace, he obviously had some long-repressed desire to do this. At last, he stood before her, beautiful, naked, and slender. Somehow, his spirit prevailed over his earlier reticence, he shed his shyness with his clothing. Since she saw him in trunks, Hecate anticipated this moment with such relish. If the pool had been empty when they were there, she would have taken them off there, or in the shower. Perhaps something could happen, or even be premeditated in the future, on a deserted beach, secluded amid the dunes.
She handed him a volume of the collected poems of John Donne. “Now, I think you know which one I want you to read me. Hmm…while we’ve been working together, I bet you’ve had some reveries of me undressing, you undressing me.”
“I have to admit that is so and I know which poem you mean, it’s Elegy Nineteen—To His Mistress Going to Bed.
“We really are on the same wavelength darling. I had learned of that poem as a young girl, with a desperate desire one day to enact it. Every word of it struck home as I disrobed alone, for years I yearned for that lovely partner to give me those instructions live.”
Ferdinand beamed, then quoted from near the end of the poem referring to the poet’s nakedness at the beginning of the action. Then he proceeded to read, with his lovely, hypnotic voice.
He really made Hecate’s girdle feel like Saturn’s rings As she undid her sash and cast it down, she felt her abdomen was bathed in heavenly light, visible only to spiritual eyes.
The request to remove her ‘breastplate’ gave her an etheric shudder. Taking off the brooch at the top of her dress felt like casting away a shield, affirming that strife and combat had been replaced by love.
In response to the exhortation to unlace, she felt deliciously nervous as her fingers twitched on her zips and buttons.
As the gown went off following the next command, Hecate felt she had emerged from a perennial cocoon, that she was the sun liberated from the constricting veils of night.
As for a ‘coronet’, Hecate was only wearing a slide, but removing it certainly helped her locks flow freely.
It was great to feel liberated from footwear; earlier on her high heels had felt so sexy. But now her stockinged feet tingled with electric desire.
With her underwear, admittedly she found nylon, calico and silk sexier than linen, but the word, so sensually uttered, really relevant. (from The Heroine and the Author- Story 2)

Book Links: Dreamtime Sensuality Antho - Devine Destinies
Author Bio: b. 1940. Resident in the UK. Writer of poetry, literary criticism, speculative fiction and romance. Main
poetry collection, Prickling Counterpoints (1998); poems published in online International Times. Main speculative
works High Wired On (2002), Rock Bottom (2005). Translation of Spanish epic La Araucana, Amazon 2013. Romances;
Self's Blossom; Explorations, Further Explorations; Therapy Rapture; Darlene, An Esctatic Rendezvous (all pub Extasy
(Devine Destinies). Singer-songwriter/guitarist. Main CD albuns Bacteria Shrapnel and Kaleidoscope Concentrate.
Main tracks on You Tube, under 'Dave Russell'.
Author David S. Russell 
08-24-2014 11:22:03 AM CST
Hello readers, and welcome to my blog. Today for this weeks Sneak Peek Sunday, I have chosen a section from "The House on Shady Lane." This story is one in my fantasy anthology, "Loves, Myths, and Monsters," published by Melange Books, and available for sale from Melange Books and other fine book distributors. I hope you like my selection. Thank you.
Shelly knew what that meant, so she gathered up her bonnet and comb and headed for the house to heat water for her father’s weekly bath. That evening, one after another, using the same water, Pa, Ma and Garner had their baths. Shelly preferred the nearby creek on warm nights like tonight. But she heated enough water to fill the large metal washtub the family kept in the backyard. Then she slipped away to the creek with a bar of homemade honeysuckle-scented soap, a towel, and a cloth sack filled with biscuits smeared with the special boysenberry jam Ma had made. Maw was the best cook around, Shelly thought. Perhaps that’s the reason so many wanderers found the small secluded home with the large front porch. And why they all had to die. The family only had enough food to feed the family. Any and all visitors crossed their land at their own risk. Just then her daydreaming was interrupted by the rustling of bushes.
"Garner, I’m gonna kill you, if ya don’t stop spyin’ on me," she yelled. "Ladies need their privacy." She resumed her bathing. First she took the bar of soap in her petite hands and formed a rich lather. Then, using her right hand as a washcloth, she applied the white froth onto her neck, front, and back. The The House on Shady Lane bushes shook once again. "Garner, I’m gonna tell Pa on ya, this time, and ya know what that means."
"What are ya gonna tell Pa on a warm night like this," said the burly, dark-haired man emerging from the brush.
Shelly, momentarily taken back by the unexpected but captivating interruption, at first could not speak. Then, as sweet as syrup, she said, "Sir, you are invadin’ my privacy."
"Believe me, beautiful lady, there’s nothin’ private about your body now," he said with a lustful leer before climbing out of his torn clothing. "I’ve been here long enough to see everythin’."
"Then maybe you should join me and tell me all about your day," she said while he slithered into the cool water with her. She took him in her arms and ran her hands over his rock-hard body. "My…you are beautiful," she said. "I could just eat you up." After their extended and enthusiastic lovemaking with lots of splashing and moaning on Shelly’s part, she got out, dried off, and proceeded to send the man on his way…but....

Buy Links:
LULU in print
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08-17-2014 7:24:33 PM CST
Hello and welcome to my blog. Today I have a re-occuring visitor, the multi-talented
Tina Donahue. She is here to discuss her new hot and steamy release,
"CARNAL TAKEOVER". Please welcome Tina and leave a comment. Thank you.
by Tina Donahue

Buy Links:
EC: http://www.ellorascave.com/carnal-takeover.html
Available August 22
During the day, she’s in charge—at night, he’ll take command of her body, their desires…
Dominance and discipline. Alexandra hungers for both from Daniel, the lead engineer on her
Alaskan energy project. She imagines him punishing then mounting her while his team watches.
Full-figured, Alexandra hasn’t had much luck with guys, especially ones so potently male. To
change that, she invites Daniel to teach her submission to his most carnal needs. She also invites
his men.
For too long, Daniel’s craved Alexandra’s lush figure and smarts. However, she’s his boss, it’s not
wise to mix business with pleasure, and no damn way does he intend to share her. After one lusty
night of her submitting to him and his men, Daniel claims Alexandra as his sub. On his terms. No
regrets. No strings. Yeah, right. Tell that to their hearts.
Inside scoop: Alexandra and Daniel set things on fire with a brief ménage. Lucky girl has several men
to fulfill her needs!
Daniel debated whether to ask if she wanted in on their poker game. Before he could, she moved to a shelf of plastic plates. With her beer bottle next to them, she pulled off her other glove, her scarves, parka, and tossed them on an empty bench. She wore construction boots, jeans, a plaid flannel shirt in black and red, along with thermal underwear that peeked from beneath her collar and the ends of her sleeves. In other words, clothing identical to what he and the others had on.
Unlike them, she looked adorable, her long, chestnut hair braided, the end of it dangling above her ass. Her lush buttocks filled out her jeans nicely, begging a guy’s hands to explore every inch of them. Daniel couldn’t count the times he’d wanted to indulge himself in that, along with snuggling his face between her full, ripe breasts that were beyond womanly. Alexandra’s body was all softness and curves, meant for a man’s use.
Though not his. When she noticed him watching, indecision, and what might have been unease, flickered across her face. She took another prolonged swig of her beer.
Cool it, he ordered himself. Clearly, he was scaring her.
With a ton of willpower, Daniel turned back to his cards, not seeing any of them, no matter how long or hard he tried. Alexandra remained in his thoughts.
She’d moved to the pool table in the corner and kept rolling the cue ball across the torn green felt. Each time the ball hit the side of the table, Daniel’s heart jumped. In his peripheral vision, he noticed she’d focused on him again. Nat kept shooting him looks that asked, ‘What the fuck’s going on?’
Only Alexandra knew, and she wasn’t telling.
Intrigued, Daniel glanced over.
She didn’t turn away as he’d expected, but regarded him with such naked hunger, his mouth went dry. A trickle of sweat ran down his chest. Was she actually coming on to him? In front of his crew?
She stopped bouncing the ball in her hand. Her face flushed, making her eyes seem even bluer. She murmured, “Do you want to play with me?”
For too many damned weeks, and she must have finally caught on. Her throaty voice had dropped even lower, sounding nearly as deep as his. Junior noticed that and her double entendre. Bending over, he muffled his snicker as he pretended to get another beer.
Daniel said the only thing he could, given the other guys. “You want to play pool?”
Alexandra regarded the ball, her expression saying she just noticed it and the table she’d leaned against. Her forehead and cheeks pinked up even more. If Daniel had been a betting man, he would have wagered she was debating whether to stay or run.
She didn’t move a muscle. Her body language changed, showing her sudden decision. Her determination to dig in here as she’d often done on the site, as though her life depended upon it. “If that’s what you want to do first.”
First? Nat kicked him under the table. Daniel ignored him. “I don’t understand.”
Alexandra put the ball down. “We can make it interesting. Play for our clothes, unless you prefer strip poker.” She gestured to the deck of cards. “I’m game for either, and everything that comes after it.”
Tina Donahue is an award-winning, bestselling novelist in erotic, paranormal, contemporary and
historical romance for Samhain Publishing, Ellora’s Cave, Siren Publishing, and Kensington. Booklist,
Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. Three of her
erotic romances (Adored, Lush Velvet Nights, and Deep, Dark, Delicious) were named finalists in the
2011 EPIC competition. The French review site, Blue Moon reviews, chose her erotic romance
Sensual Stranger as their Book of the Year 2010 (erotic category). The Golden Nib Award at Miz Love
Loves Books was created specifically for Lush Velvet Nights, and two of her titles (The Yearning and
Deep, Dark, Delicious) received an Award of Merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competition (2011 and
2012). Take Me Away and Adored both won second place in the NEC RWA contest (different years).
Tina is featured in the 2012 Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. She was the editor of an award–
winning Midwestern newspaper and worked in Story Direction for a Hollywood production company.
FB Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TinaDonahueBooks
Email: tina@tinadonahue.com
Website: http://www.tinadonahue.com/
Blog: http://www.tinadonahue.com/blog/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/tinadonahue
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tina.donahue.75
Triberr: http://triberr.com/tinadonahue
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/authortina/my-books/
Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/author/tinadonahue
My page at TRR: http://erotic.theromancereviews.com/mypageprofile.php?location=tinadonahue
EC Author Page: https://www.ellorascave.com/index.php/authors/index/author/slug/tina-donahue/
Samhain Author Page: http://store.samhainpublishing.com/Tina-Donahue-pa-1630.html
08-13-2014 6:45:04 AM CST
Click here to find other authors websites
08-11-2014 7:20:53 PM CST
Hello, welcome to my website Books and Paintings by JoAnne. Today I have the lovely and
talented Tina Donahue and her box set, BROUGHT TO HIS KNEES, one hot and sexy set of
books to own.
Make Me Surrender – included novella by Tina Donahue
Buy Links:
B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/brought-to-his-knees-am-griffin/1119993064?ean=2940045653121
Apples iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/brought-to-his-knees/id902008990?mt=11&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/459859
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22796872-brought-to-his-knees
Kobo: http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/brought-to-his-knees
99¢ for a limited time
11 NEW romances by today’s hottest romance authors
AVAILABLE: August 19
Blurb for Brought to His Knees boxed set
The Alpha male. Strong. In control. Letting no one and nothing rule him…until he meets the one, and all bets are
off. The world tilts, the bed rocks, and suddenly that tough guy finds himself Brought to His Knees—in more ways
than one.
This collection of ten hot to erotic novellas and one short erotic novel will take you on journeys of lust, love, and
adventure, leave you breathless and quite possibly in need of a cold shower. Enter with anticipation. Finish

Blurb for Tina Donahue’s Make Me Surrender (menage): She has a proposition…to win their attention, passion, hearts.
For over a year, Mercy’s had her eye on Travis and Dutch, two of the hottest guys on the Oregon coast.
Dark and dangerously virile, Travis owns a saloon that caters to bikers. Dutch looks like one, right down to
his impressive tats, and operates a motorcycle repair shop on the premises. When a position opens in the
saloon’s kitchen, Mercy sees a way to be near these sinfully sexy men, wanting the job and lodging, her cabin
snuggled between theirs. Travis isn’t so sure about having Mercy nearby. She’s deliciously curvy, but too
nice. He’s into temporary fun. To Dutch, forever is a dirty word. Imagine their surprise when sweet little
Mercy encourages wild nights of carnal pleasure with a dash of bondage and spanking…followed by
friendship and tenderness. Before she’s through, these tough guys will be the ones who’ve surrendered.
Excerpt #1:
Shaking off her uncertainty, Mercy pulled a plate from beneath the counter. On it was her gift to Travis and Dutch. Treats she always offered them when they came here.
Travis reached the counter first, his long fingers wrapped around a bottle of Lipton’s Iced Tea and three packages of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.
Mercy’s mouth went dry. She imagined his hands on her, the pads of his thumbs dragging over her nipples, sending a thrum of delight through her body.
She managed a wobbly smile. He produced an interested grin, making a dimple in his beard-shadowed cheek. Her belly fluttered and her heart sank. His attention was on the plate she’d set out, not her.
“Hey,” she murmured, soft and warm.
His gaze flicked up. A flash of heat burned in his dreamy eyes before it faded beneath what appeared to be confusion. As though he hadn’t expected that sultry greeting to have come from her. “Hey.”
His voice was so fucking deep and rough, Mercy had difficulty breathing. Jill made a noise that sounded too turned on. Mercy kicked her friend’s running shoe; an order for her to beat it.
Jill pivoted and hurried off, her narrow shoulders drawn to her skinny body, her blonde ponytail bouncing over her thin neck.
“Want one?” Mercy breathed to Travis. She stroked the lip of the plate with the same care she would his balls and cock. If he’d only let her.
Travis studied her breasts as though he’d never noticed them before, which he hadn’t. Given the unusual summer heat, the air conditioning had kicked on, making it nicely chilly in here. The cold air had pebbled Mercy’s nipples against her stretchy cotton tee. When she’d seen him and Dutch pull up, she’d ditched her shapeless Fast Fill jacket.
Travis’s sexy smile said he appreciated her boobs.
Mercy pulled back her shoulders to give him an even better look at her chest.
Joining them, Dutch dropped packs of M&M’s and Lay’s potato chips on the counter. “What’s this?” He regarded the plate.
Travis dragged his attention back to the gourmet cupcakes. Mercy had baked them this morning, hoping he and Dutch would show up as they usually did on Sunday afternoons. Their only time off.
“Breakfast and dessert,” she cooed.
Travis lifted one dark eyebrow. Dutch had finally discovered her tight-as-hell nipples and remained riveted on them. “Huh?”
Mercy’s skin prickled with excitement and more than a little lust. “Technically, they’re bacon and banana cupcakes, with maple, peanut butter, and bacon topping.”
She ran her finger over the edge of one then offered a taste of the frosting to both men. Eager to know who’d lick her first. “Try it. It’s as good as the other stuff I’ve given you.”
They reached for her at the same time, their hands bumping each other. Dutch curled his fingers around her wrist. Before he could lift her hand, Travis drew Mercy’s finger between his lips.
She blinked wildly. Her pulse pounded out of control at the wet heat of his mouth and Dutch running his thumb over her wrist. Travis suckled gently, swirling his tongue around Mercy’s nail, driving her crazy with need.
“Hmm.” His prominent Adam’s apple bobbed with his swallow.
She fought an insane urge to lick it and his bristly throat.
“You should try this,” he said to Dutch.
“I was about to.” He twisted his mouth at her finger still damp from Travis’s awesome tongue. Dutch kept stroking her skin, until he seemed to realize what he was doing. After releasing her, he grabbed a cupcake and devoured half of it in one bite. Frosting clung to the corners of his mouth.
Mesmerized, Mercy watched him chew.
He swallowed. “Fuck—I mean, damn, this is good. Even better than the other ones you’ve made.”
Travis nodded as he gobbled his cupcake. Another strand of hair swayed forward, grazing his unshaven cheek.
Sex radiated from them, weakening every part of Mercy’s body, making her reckless and bold.
“I have a proposition,” she whispered.
Dutch’s chews slowed. Travis forced down a swallow and frowned. “What? Didn’t hear that.”
She spoke louder. “A proposition. I have one.”
Dark Wolf Enterprises
A.M. Griffin
Murder, mayhem and imprinting with a hot wolf shifter… And they say being an accountant is boring.
Building Bridges
Amy Ruttan
A vet tech and a lone wolf rancher ride out a sudden storm, but can they weather the emotions they stir up in each other...
Three Strikes
Anya Richards
Two lonely men. One secret affair. Irresistible passion that will push them both to the breaking point, and beyond.
A Cowboy’s Seduction
Cynthia D’Alba
One exhausted cowboy + One uptight accountant x A tropical resort = A hot seduction. But who is seducing whom?
Born to Sin
Danica Avet
A tomboy in love makes a desperate attempt to seduce her best friend and succeeds beyond her wildest dreams. But this Alpha male isn’t easily tamed and has secrets that could very well tear them apart.
The Sound of Your Name
Felice Fox
Their silent erotic encounters change his luck and awaken his soul, but secrets and cowboy superstitions can only keep them apart.
Beneath the Pages
Jennifer Kacey
One wicked night with her did nothing but whet his appetite. Now he’ll settle for nothing less than her complete submission.
Cruising for Love
Lynne Silver
A vacation cruise comes with surprises—like the BDSM theme and her high school love, the one man she can’t resist.
Sabrina York
A scalding attraction. An irresistible passion. A pity she’s the one woman he can never have…
Chief Sin
Sayde Grace
A taste of Sin isn’t enough. Instead she wants all of him, including the heart she once broke.
Make Me Surrender
Tina Donahue
When it comes to two of the hottest guys in town, she has a proposition…to win their attention, passion, hearts.

Tina Donahue is an award-winning, bestselling novelist in erotic, paranormal, contemporary and historical romance for Samhain Publishing, Ellora’s Cave, Siren Publishing, and Kensington. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. Three of her erotic romances (Adored, Lush Velvet Nights, and Deep, Dark, Delicious) were named finalists in the 2011 EPIC competition. The French review site, Blue Moon reviews, chose her erotic romance Sensual Stranger as their Book of the Year 2010 (erotic category). The Golden Nib Award at Miz Love Loves Books was created specifically for Lush Velvet Nights, and two of her titles (The Yearning and Deep, Dark, Delicious) received an Award of Merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competition (2011 and 2012). Take Me Away and Adored both won second place in the NEC RWA contest (different years). Tina is featured in the 2012 Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. She was the editor of an award–winning Midwestern newspaper and worked in Story Direction for a Hollywood production company.
FB Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/TinaDonahueBooks
Email: tina@tinadonahue.com
Website: http://www.tinadonahue.com/
Blog: http://www.tinadonahue.com/blog/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/tinadonahue
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tina.donahue.75
Triberr: http://triberr.com/tinadonahue
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/authortina/my-books/
Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/author/tinadonahue
My page at TRR: http://erotic.theromancereviews.com/mypageprofile.php?location=tinadonahue
EC Author Page: https://www.ellorascave.com/index.php/authors/index/author/slug/tina-donahue/
Samhain Author Page: http://store.samhainpublishing.com/Tina-Donahue-pa-1630.html
08-10-2014 10:47:05 PM CST
Good morning viewers. My name is JoAnne Myers and I am here to help celebrate the release of "The Tesla Gate" by the multi-talented John D. Mimms. I am the author of 7 published books by three publishing companies, so please stay and check out my website. I also canvas paint, which make great gifts and home decor'.
With the world thrown into chaos, Thomas Pendleton is eager to make up for many broken promises to his six-year-old son, Seth. Soon after the storm, they set out on a road trip to the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC, completely unaware of the social and political maelstrom they’re heading into that will change their lives forever.
Author Bio:
John D. Mimms is a business owner, paranormal researcher, and author. John served as the Technical Director for the Arkansas Paranormal and Anomalous Studies Team (ARPAST). During his four-year tenure with the organization, he helped supervise over 100 investigations and wrote more than sixteen technical articles. One of John's articles, titled "A Christmas Carol Debunked," was read live on Parazona Radio by Paul Bradford of Ghost Hunters International fame. John also wrote the ARPAST technical/training manual which is a comprehensive guide on equipment usage, investigation protocol, and scientific theory for paranormal research.
In 2009 John decided to couple his knowledge of paranormal phenomena with his lifelong love of literary fiction. Among his titles are The Great Keep, Death Theory, and The Lemonade Girl. John is currently working on book two of The Tesla Gate trilogy.
Where to find John: https://www.facebook.com/pages/John-D-Mimms-Author/260039150690683
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08-03-2014 7:48:39 AM CST
Good morning all, here is my Sneak Peek Sunday snippet. It is from my upcoming detective/mystery anthology, "Flagitious". I hope you enjoy it and my website. Please leave a comment for your chance to win a print copy of my poetry collection, "Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between." Thank you and have a great Sunday.
To Solve His Mother’s Murder
After his Air Force career was interrupted by his mother’s untimely murder, Steven Moore returned home. Met with a cold reception of lies, secrets, and threats, he is determined to find his mother’s killer, even at the cost of his own life. Was his mother, Wanda, a victim of the legendary Hatchet Man? Was this loving and devoted mother killed because of her shady past, or for her inheritance? Between finding the truth and falling in love, Steven stops at nothing, to solve his mother’s murder.
3381 Market Street
Katherine Sims, a young widow working for a brokerage firm in a small southeastern town, is tired of the excuses concerning her nephew, Charlie’s absence. She knows something terrible must have happened to her favorite nephew with the sad blue-eyes. After exposing the killer, Katherine’s life is turned upside down and she finds herself fighting for her life. Filled with maniacal suspects, a Satanic Cult, and danger around each corner, this story depicts one woman’s courage to avenge a child’s murder, while finding unexpected love.
The Other Couple’s Child
Charlotte had it all. A loving and devoted husband. Supportive family and friends, and a house full of beautiful children. Everything was perfect for this Super Mom, until a medical procedure turns her life upside down, and spirals into a child abduction case. Time is running out. Will police arrive in time to save Charlotte and the other couple’s child?
The Tarot Card Murders
New Detective, and ex-navel man, twenty-six-year-old Nick Difozzio, returns to his small county determined to abolish crime. Not until death knocked on his door, did he know the face of evil. Will the decorated veteran destroy the Lycanthropes, or will he succumb to their murderess desires and become one of them? He took an oath to protect, honor, and uphold the law, but can he defy the lust, riches, and power offered, or are the ‘dark forces’ stronger than his will?

08-02-2014 8:03:08 AM CST
Good morning everyone. It is My Sexy Saturday already. How the time flies. Here is my version for this weeks story. It is from "The Truth Behind the Lies," one story in my paranormal anthology, "Wicked Intentions." Thank you for visiting my website.
The Truth Behind the Lies
To my delight, Rosa and I arrived at the front steps of the resort at the same time. As she exited her taxi, I ran to her from behind and swept her off her dainty feet. She squealed with delight. Though my bruises and that broken wrist hurt like hell, I raced through the entrance as some on-lookers gasped with horror while others laughed at my horny cave man antics.
"They’re going call the Island police on us," Rosa said through her giggles as we reached my suite.
"Who cares?" I said as she pulled my entrance key from my shirt pocket and opened the door. We by-passed the hotel goodies I had ordered which sat on a nearby stand. I carried her directly into the bedroom and threw her onto the luxurious bed. She squealed again. "Don’t move." I told her, before jaunting into the adjoining bathroom and retrieving two pain pills from the medicine cabinet. I swallowed them with faucet water using my hand as a makeshift cup. I then joined my future wife who had kindly retrieved our basket of goodies from the living room. We took turns feeding and undressing each other in between glasses of the bubbly and cuisine. Afterward, we got down to the raw and unbridled passionate fundamental necessities of life—fornication.
We holed up until the next evening and came out only after the management made frequent trips to my door begging us to keep down the noise. On my fourth call for room service, we were informed the resort had run out of food and perhaps we should try one of the area restaurants. We got the hint. They wanted us gone for a while. After a hot and steamy shower together, we hit the night life.
Buy links for “Wicked Intentions” A paranormal/mystery anthology

07-31-2014 11:03:45 AM CST
Hello all, just a quick note to let you know I am featured on the Tina Donahue and Anne Lange blogs this month. I will be featured on the Anne Lange blog several times within the upcoming months, due to the fact of my having 7 published books to promote. Please do stop in and say "hi" and leave a comment for a chance to win a print copy of my poetry collection, "Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between." Thank you
07-22-2014 3:16:19 PM CST
JoAnne's Book Hooks
Hello readers, I am happy to be participating in Book Hooks. This is a great pleasure and opportunity for aspiring authors. I am proud to be the author of 7 books so far. I hope you enjoy my Book Hook and choose to shop around my website to check out my books and paintings. I have always had a flare for art, and my canvas paintings are signed and framed, making them great gifts, or home decor'. Today I will introduce you to my newly released true crime anthology, Twisted Love, published by Black Rose Writing. Thank you for stopping by.
Blurbs from “Twisted Love” 12 cases of love gone bad-a biography true crime
The End of Autumn-To keep from paying child support for his three children, Rodney Williams, plots with his parents to kidnap his estranged wife, 25-year old Autumn, in broad daylight. This 2011 crime shocked the small community of Logan, Ohio.
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing-In 2011, 53 year old Russell Strothers, and his teenage accomplice find their victims through Craigslist and strike with calculating and deadly force.
A Senseless Killing-This 2010 case uncovers how a 40 year old likable barmaid was lured to her death after she rejects her young admirers sexual advances.
The Death of Innocence-This 2011 murder case involved 4 year old Marcie Willis, and her evil stepmother 25 year old Cheryl, from the small bedroom community of The Plains, Ohio.
The Girl Not Forgotten-This cold case took 26 years to solve, but brought justice for 13-year-old Holly Buford, and put serial rapist, 40-year-old Stanley Snead, behind bars.
The Possession-When 29-year-old Valerie Harris severs the penis of her sexually abusive father, it makes national news in 2007.
Home Town Hero-When deaf students are murdered in the prestigious Rose Brick College of the Deaf in 2008, everyone is shocked when discovering the killer is one of their own.
The Spell Caster Murders-When 42 year old Fortune Teller Sally Vu and her 21-year-old daughter Veronica are discovered murdered and physically desecrated, in 2001, evidence points to revenge and a spell gone wrong.
All For the Family-In 2003, as a way to erase her 22-year-old husbands criminal past, 19 year old Molly Abbott devises a ghoulish and desperate strategy.
Thicker Than Water?-When 52 year old Kim Michaels is found dismembered inside her burned out home in 1996, officers find the crime more confusing than a jig saw puzzle.
Mail Order Murder-The last thing the beautiful Russian mail order bride Anna dreamed of in 2001, was being murdered by her controlling and older American husband.
Where’s Christopher?-When four year old Christopher Ellis goes missing, numerous excuses and an odd odor emanating from the backyard in 1991, raises eyebrows.

07-15-2014 10:43:13 AM CST
Good morning viewers, I am busy with volunteering for Heartfelt Promotions. I now have my website listed on theirs and a link to other information about me and my books. I have been locating romance authors who are interested in doing blog tours with HFP. I emailed a bunch and just received my first rejection. This author says she is to busy right now but thanked me for thinking of her.
I was interviewed on the Barbara Bradley blog, “There’s all this stuff in my head.” Please stop by and say “hi” or leave a comment for a chance to win a print copy of my book, “Poems About Life, Love, and Everything in Between.”
Please leave any comments you like and I will see you later.
07-11-2014 1:57:45 PM CST
Hello again viewers. I am back for another day of posting to help John D. Mimms, celebrate the release of "The Tesla Gate." I too, am a talented author of 6 published books by three publishing companies. Please stay and check out my website. I also canvas paint, which make great gifts and home decor'. Thank you and enjoy this days post, which is also a writing tip, entitled "Writing Paranormal."
When it comes to fiction writing, almost anything goes. That is why I love writing paranormal stories. The author can go completely over the edge and make something unbelievable seem believable. When it comes to ghost stories, I get a lot of my inspiration from real life experiences. Not necessarily my own either. I watch television programs that partake of the supernatural and paranormal flare. Programs from ordinary people who claim they experienced either an afterlife experience, or a haunting.
Some of the stories from my paranormal anthology, “Wicked Intentions” are based on actual hauntings. In The Legend of Lake Manor, I placed my young psychic, Cassandra Lopez, in a haunted mansion I fashioned on my knowledge of a three-story mansion in my hometown and information from television about a restaurant/bar in Ohio, supposedly ruled by demons so violent that the local police are constantly closing it down.
A television documentary about a young mother plagued by ghost sightings since childhood, inspired The Haunting of Barb Marie and her gift/curse.
And The Apartment, in which my newlyweds, Bill and Gayle, are plagued by sightings of evil ghosts that threaten their marriage and theirs lives, originated from a real apartment haunted by the ghosts of two homosexual lovers who died violently. The legend says no tenant is able to stay there until the spirits are chased off by a paranormal investigation team.
On the Discovery Channel, I got the idea for Summer Wind. I learned of the colonial explorer Jonathon Carver who lived during the 1700s and whose ghost is believed to be haunting the Summerwind estate, built in the early 20th century. Carver’s ghost is, supposedly, searching the house’s foundations for deeds to a vast tract of land (10,000 square miles) given to him by Sioux Indian chiefs as a reward for the peace treaty he created between two warring tribes. In my Summer Wind, 29 year-old Ginger is mysteriously drawn to the old mansion, and like the many owners of the real mansion, the haunting had a negative and profound effect on Ginger and her family.
Another investigative program concerned one sister’s psychic premonitions about her twin’s murder. This led to my story, Blood Ties, and my heroine, Audra Roper’s dark, disturbing visions of her sister’s disappearance and the roller coaster of risks, heartbreak, and intrigue that followed. Dark Visions came from reading a newspaper story while sitting in a diner. A young woman began having visions of her father's disappearance that was actually his murder from years earlier. So, my Carrie Reynolds starts having nightmares on her twenty-sixth birthday and believes these ‘dark visions’ can solve the twenty year disappearance of her father.
I set my murder mystery, The Truth Behind the Lies, on Norfolk Island after following a three year long murder investigation on that island from 2003. In my story, Federal Police Inspector Ian Christian faces attacks, more murders and ghostly occurrences, and the killer is closer than anyone realizes.
So, the next time you get Writer’s Block, or need a new idea, try switching on the television, open a newspaper, delve into history or simply look and listen. You will find something to stimulate your muse.
Author Bio:
I have been a long-time resident of southeastern Ohio, and worked in the blue-collar industry most of my life. Besides having several novels under my belt, I canvas paint.
When not busy with hobbies or working outside the home, I spend time with relatives, my dog Jasmine, and volunteer my time within the community. I am a member of the International Women’s Writing Guild, Savvy Authors, Coffee Time Romance, Paranormal Romance Guild, True Romance Studios, National Writers Association, the Hocking Hill's Arts and Craftsmen Association, The Hocking County Historical Society and Museum, and the Hocking Hills Regional Welcome Center. I believe in family values and following your dreams. My books and original canvas paintings, can be found at: booksandpaintingsbyjoanne.com
My other books:
"MURDER MOST FOUL" a detective/mystery anthology
"LOVES', MYTHS' AND MONSTERS'," a fantasy anthology
"THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY," a biography true-crime
"TWISTED LOVE," a true-crime anthology
Upcoming Release:
“FLAGITIOUS,” a crime and paranormal novella collection available in August
Buy Links for "Wicked Intentions"

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07-10-2014 8:38:54 AM CST